Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…450: MANUKULAM – the Cognitive field of “KARMA CHAKRA†as the Training field and of the GYAN
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.
Note of Special Attention:? Although, we are human (Cognitive links or beings of CHAMUNDESWARI (Quantum Physics or Conscious principles of humanities rather SHIV SAKTHI); to our misfortune, presently we are in a state of CHAMATTI (Unconscious state like DRUM and STICKS of CHENDAKARAN (Drum Beater like MIMICRY Artists as of norms of Social rulers in an environment of KOLAHALAM (field of rebellious politics of pollution making noises like hauling ghosts): ?
(Elucidation Note: This is so, as we are not yet born consciously either being in the womb of Mother Nature like ANUS as of Atomic dust beings within the DRUMS or in the state of KOLAMS (Sticks) within the tombs of social helms, as robotics trained to dance in the hands of Drum beaters mostly as mimicry Artists or of comedians, but largely as Dracula’s of the global society being aware of only to exploit and Conceit of the poor people of the DESAM (formal community).
It was in order to save the Mankind from such satanic (evil) world of disorder, that the BHARAT MATHA of PARA BRAHMA (SHIV SAKTHI) had created the MANUKULAM as the duty Conscious twin wheels known as SUDARSHAN (to create GOOD VISIONARIES) as well the other as Wheel of KARMA CHAKRA (of POTENTIAL MISSIONARIES) empowering every Social Mentors to the Duty Conscious state of KRISHNA Consciousness (Entrepreneurial Society) of GOPIKAS and GOPALAKS or as Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Enterprises.)
Training Note 4.2: MANUKULAM - the field of the “KARMA CHAKRA†and the GYAN YOGA - the Training field as well the learning Center
MANU KULAM is the centrist field of ?CHANDI, MUNDI and CHAMUNDI (Social Chemistry as the SARVA KALA SALA (as the CENTRIST UNIVERSITY OF MOTHER NATURE as the Cognitive Society of Mentoring Field of ARTHA CHAKRA (Scientific Methodologies of Enterprising Wheel of Values)) ?integrating KALAM (Informal world of Quantum Physics- the Star Communities of GURUS- Preceptors of Conscious Wheel of KAMA or KARMA CHAKRA of ETHICS) and DESAM (Formal Philosophers- Parenting Community of Duty Conscious wheel of DHARMA CHAKRA of RIGHTS)
DHARMA (RIGHTS), ARTHA (VALUES), and KAMA (KARMA-ETHICS), therefore are the MARGA (Methodologies) as cognitive space links of BRAHMA TATVA (WISDOM) and MOKSHA (FREEDOM) is the cognitive Art links of? MAHA LAKSHMI and MAHA VISHNU ( as Objective field of Visionaries and of? the Purposeful Missionaries). Ref Text: NARA SIMHA PURANAM*
(* PURANAM means Scientific Art or wheel of technology. There are 18 Scientific wheels or PURANAS in the CLIMATE field of SANADAN DHARMA. CLIMATE is ARUMUGAN (Six field of Mentor ships denoted by six moths of DAKSHINAYANA (SOUTHERN EYE ) and therefore 6x 3= 18 Arts of freedom).
Similarly there are 18 UPA- PURANAS (Subordinate technologies) to empower elemental Beings to set course towards NORTHERN HEME SPHERE)
We will explain about all these in forthcoming series of human enlightenment……….
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working