Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…439: Humanities are VISHNU TATVAS (Cognitive Principles)
My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.
Note of Special Attention: Humanities are VISHNU TATVAS (Cognitive Principles) rather the Qualities and Skills of the YOGIS as the integration Science of human development for Social benevolence and of the Art of human Sustenance and Sustainability.
In fact it is the Science and Art of SRUSTI (Creation), STHIDHI (Maintenance) and PALANA (Sustenance and Sustainable social wisdom of modification) among the VASU-DEVERS (Republican Social Mentors and Democrats of freedom beings) of the Universal Society:
(Note of Caution: Unfortunately, the above PANCHA TATRAS (Five Principles of humanity) are missing among our Social Mentors and Masters of the present society and we the young people stand hypnotized and mesmerized under pseudo Mentors and Masters of ?injustice of Greed, Lust and pride of ?KRODH (Social arrogance). KRODH emanates from ignorance and it is anti to conscious evolution of life.
In order to reset the course for human sustenance and sustainable conscious evolution, we should know the evolutionary cognitive Principles of humanities rather the Principles of MAHA VISHNU (The Great Social Scientist of Human and Social Development.)
Training Note 4.1.1 Cognitive Evolution of humanities
Humanity originates from the 12th grade of MANU (BRAHMA) or from the 12th MONTH of a new born child in the natural process of conscious evolution.
A child therefore, is an Elemental BRAHMA with 12 grades. 12 Grades pertains to five elemental + its three cognitively evolving qualities (DNA factors) and + four Skills of SANG (Listen Org-Ear), CHAKRA (Vision-Eyes) as two organs of BHARAT RAJ TATVA (Sustainable Diplomatic? Principles of External or Enlightened? World), GADHA (Mission-Tongue), PADMA (Face Org with Nose link) as other two organs of? GOTAMA TATVA ?( Democratic Links of human Sustenance to the sub stratum (Independent self) –the ever pervasive Conscious INDRA of? PARA BRAHMA (Eternal ?Consciousness).
(Note of Caution: To our misfortune, none of us are made aware of even these individual basic human factors of us, so as to set our human and social development course towards KALKI (Sustainable Future); instead hypnotized us to a different world of sluggishness or to world of deadly set us in an anti- path of consciousness begin from West to North instead of conscious path of West to South. As a result, blooming part of South went under water and presently we are stationed below the earth under water as JALANDHARAN struggling for breath of life.
In the sense, an education system for human empowerment has yet to begin from SOUTH re-surge of PAST HUMAN EXCELLENCE – (Nine incarnation Principles from MALTYA to KRISHNA (Basic state of 12th grade of humanity to Duty Conscious state of Humanities), thereafter to set to KALKI (Sustainable path of human Excellence).
Human Resource Development Science will begin from the Next Class on wards. A proper understanding of the same will take us to the world of sustainable life of peace and prosperity free from all sorts of sickness and depressions.
But this will not happen in the present meat eaters and drug addicted society of lust and greed in disrespect of Mother nature and from those repeatedly abuse and misuse her valuable human resources- the youth. Therefore very strictly we have to adhere to silence taking bath in various THIRTHAS about which also we will explain in due course of order……/. Secondly, there is no use to kill us as most of us are already dead, while few of us like BHISMA ACHARYA are in SARA SAYYA awaiting death.
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the NGO Member with Special Consultative status of UN ECOSOC as well as Partner of UN DESA SDG Mission and the COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations, Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously?working together