Resurgence of Bharat (INDRA) and Global Society Series…429; transcend of us from illusion state to Sustainable Society rather to SATYA YUGA
My beloved people of BHARAT and the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and?All?Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and?Defense.,?The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture?of India and of other Nations of the??global Society
Note of Special Attention: Transcend of us from human beings of KALI YUGA (present Illusion state of deadly) to SATYA YUGA (Sustainable Society of humanities), is the PRAVABHA (Enlighten Mission Vision) of all of us to perform TANTRA MANTRA VIDYA (Cognitive Science and Art of education for ?Human and Social benevolence in harmony) on Planet Earth.
And thereon subsequently, we have to independently enable to graduate to the fifth state of YAGA of ANANDA SAI OF SHIV LOKA (Infinite enlighten state of beings) with the ability to appear and disappear at the will of duty consciousness accessible to all the worlds is the human resource development vision as well of the collective Social Mission of the Mother Nature- the Enlighten BHARAT MATHA as per her VEDA Advocates: Reference UDHAMATHESWARA TANTRA VIDYA ?(Human uplift Art of ?Nano & Neuron technology of BHARAT MATHA) and related MANTRA (Scientific Concept) is “AUM HRIM? MAHENDRI MANTRA SIDHIM KURU KURU, KULU KULU, HAMSAM SWAHAM SWAHA” (The said ?Science and Technology ?narrates about the cognitive Social Development systems ?in sequence that are to be established in a democratic society to enables us to fly in the sky like Angels and Aliens with the knowledge of appear and disappear modes of social benevolence and of Entrepreneurship).
(Note of Caution: Unaware of the above natural Vision Mission of us on earth, to our misfortune, we the new generation beings had been sunk to the underworld of the earth from the surface state of KALI YUGA, being victims to radical politics and fanatic religious practices of greed, lust and pride of arrogance retain us to the cyclic process of death and birth of toxic customs repeatedly. ?
As of its after effects, most of us are suffering in a viral environment of sick and of poor health and wealth unable to attain the real Vision Mission of humanities and of its harmony and this has to be ceased with immediate effect introducing us to the Natural Scientific Principles of BHARAT MATHA and of her Virgin Mother SANTA MARIYA and SANTA CLOWS (Social Science and Art of Peace and Prosperity) unearth from CLAM (Memory link of us to the Mother Nature.) Reference: UDHAMATHESWARA MANTRA VIDYA “CLAMS CLOW HRIM NAMAHA” (Cognitive Know-how of PAST AND FUTURE STATE TO ENJOY IN PRESENT)
Training Note 5: Natural Scientific Principles of Social Harmony
Living in PRESENCE in understanding PAST and FUTURE is the basic quality and skill of a DEMOCRAT as the Natural Scientific Principles of DUAPURA YUGA (Dual state of Sustainable principles of humanities rather of VANA PRASTHA (Informal Cognitive Society) i.e., Republicans and Democrats of the Social Justice as blessing Guides like Angels and Aliens.
Science and Technology of Social Development Systems and of its Administration are related to the SANYASA of TREDHA YUGA (three dimensional Social development Mentors of Scientific Sustenance ??and Sustainable Social systems, i.e., Duty Conscious Systems? of? Academy, Industry and of Social Management and Administration) generally referred as DHARMA of GRAHASTASRAMA and Safety and Security Principles? of BRAHMA CHARYA ( People Management Systems) Supposed to be the Qualities and skills of Parents, Teachers later evolve to Social Mentors so as to act as IAS, ?IFS and ?IPS, IDS as cadres GODS (GUARDIANS) of human intellect in evolutionary process human excellence.
In fact our human society as a whole is of Mother Nature and principles of humanities are the concepts of Social Administration and basically as human beings in forms, People the prospective BAGAVANS (Participants) of the real democracy of mother Nature, supposed to be mentored by the above mentioned entrepreneurs and enterprising community of four instrumental skills of Cognitive ESWARA, i.e., (1) SANGA (Organizational Development Know-how), (2) CHAKRA ( ?Scientific Vision of TANTRA rather Technology), (3) GADHA ( Challenging Communication Skill rather the Communist or Cognitive Principle of ?Journalism to imbibe the Missions and Programs of Social Benevolence), and (4) PADMA ( Social Science or Organizational Management? Science of Social harmony).
(Note of present social dilemma: In the above natural perspective of human excellence evolution, there is no need for any conflicts or for trade and hoard of Values by means of any exploit mechanism.
Presently, most of us are in a troubles society of social treason unaware of our cognitive relations with Mother Nature basically because of the brain hammer age met out to us by the conquerors years ago and subsequently due to retaining of the same imprudent politics and of its corrupt Social Customs as strategy of National level administration adopting the ill principles of divide and rule and confuse news modes of social unrest concepts of pseudo democracy.)
(Suggested Solutions: If we are human beings on earth, we should not permit any sort of such mockery of unconscious practices of exploit and loot mechanism of Social trepidation here after as it is time to rise up from such catalepsy. And to address this Social challenge, the SCOSAQ- the NGO Research Mission on HRD has set the objective stretch out its wisdom and research findings for social reformation empowering and re-instating Mother BHARAT to its past glory of VISWA GURU reconstruct NALANDA and TAKSHASILA to uplift the international community of Social Mentors and Masters equally imbibe the Wisdom of Mother Nature.)
Training Note 6: The Intellectual Might of KERALA STATE of Mother BHARAT
The Intellectual might of people of KERALA and of its Political as well Social Leaders, if driven properly, there begins the ??NEW SURYODAYAM (SUN RISE) of the real democracy- the cognitive Science and Art of working together- the real COMMUNIST IDEALS of SANDYA (the spirit of ?Academic Wisdom red of humanity of human benevolence), and with this realization of SCOSAQ-the International civil Society as Cognitive HRD Science Research NGO Civil Society along with its international Research entity-the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE) initiated a joint venture with the Government of Kerala to set up MANITO-? the Divine Mission 3 decades ago keeping in mind mission of Training and empowering Social Preceptors of human excellence as of all the four dimensions with Sustenance and Sustainable Cognitive principles of correlated Planets and Star communities on earth. ?Now the time has come ripe to reboot this earlier initiative ?to the Status of TAKSHA SILA- the higher order HRD Training Institute as on Earth.
To be Cont.’…d
Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the NGO Member with Special Consultative status of UN ECOSOC as well as Partner of UN DESA SDG Mission and the COGNITIVE INSTITUTION OF HUMAN EMPOWERMENT and its global consortium INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR SOCIAL EXCELLENCE;?integrating the global society building quality into the people and to the Nations, Let us build a new global society re-engineering our social development and economic systems harmoniously?working together