Resurgence of BHARAT (INDRA), the Global Society & Cognitive Work Culture Series…217, KUMBHAMELA reflects the vital aspects of resurrection humanities
Aspirations of global society for the resurrection of Conscious Principles

Resurgence of BHARAT (INDRA), the Global Society & Cognitive Work Culture Series…217, KUMBHAMELA reflects the vital aspects of resurrection humanities

My beloved people of BHARATH MATHA - the Global Society,

Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.

Note of special Attention: Present KUMBHAMELA* although being very ritual as of now; it reflects the real aspirations of global society for the resurrection of Conscious Principles rather humanities from the present state of PRADHI BIMBAM (Present Social Space of Illusion developed out of the foul players). And it is the role of Chief Mentor MA BHARATHA to revitalize the global society in educates and empowers elemental human beings with the principles of righteousness implement Cognitive Education globally:

(*KUMBHAMELA means ENRICHMENT WISDOM CULTURE after 12 years of under graduate education in the space of KALAM (Elemental Space of Time beings) making elemental human beings to qualify to work in MENTAL SPACE of ?Meta- physics (graduate platforms of the management- CLIMATE). SPIRITUALITY is further state of higher education Space of quantum Physics rather Entrepreneurship.)

(Elucidation Note: The ritual nature of present KUMBHAMELA, being ?mostly are dreaming in asleep unable to visualize the reality, while pseudo mentors partially engaged in rituals of ghosts or draconian customs hardly any awareness of the real Science and Art of religious culture of human sustenance and Sustainable SHIV SAKTHI (Life Force) of Mother Nature.

Here the attempt of SCOSAQ- NGO Civil Society of HRD Cognitive Science Research of BHARAT MATHA is to present the unearthed past parenting culture of Virgin Mother Nature, so as to get us free from all sort of present social humbugs and further enable us to do social re-engineering and thereon, the impact will be a healthy wealthy society of peace and prosperity with all round harmony as sustainable cognitive links of evolving society of Mother Nature.)


Principles of Cognitive Education for Resurrection of humanities


First of all, for resurrection of humanities rather Principles of Consciousness, we have to remember the PARAMATMA TATVA (Inherent Principles of Origin) generally referred as ADIATMA TATVA of SANADAN DHARMA, which have already been explained many times in our earlier chapters.

Accordingly, we should be aware of the BHARAT MATHA as she ?is the first Elemental BRAHMA TATVA of the inherent principle of origin as well the Centrist Space of Social Mentors and Preceptors of Cognitive Education.

In the sense, Mother BHARATH is the centrist YONI - three dimensional QUANTUM PHYSICS - evolving Spaces of humanities as the INTELLECTUAL PARENTING SOCIETY of?? BRAHMA LOKA, the? HIMALAYA? being the SHAMBALA (Enriched Space) as of the Chief Social Mentors of Cognitive INDRA LOKA of VASU DEVERS (Human beings of Cognitive Society) as the Visionaries as well as the ?consecutively evolving Conscious Mentors and Principles of righteousness, i.e.,? the real VISWA BANDU of the KALAM (Elemental Space links of SUN as the HEALTH Links), the VISWA MITRA of the MANAM (Mental Space Links of MOON-Wealth Science of Social Mentorship)? and the real VISWA GURU of the Vibrant Space (Duty Conscious Preceptors of Spirituality- the Cognitive MARS links of Social Safety and Security as Missionaries of? holistic social governance). Ref Text: YAGA VASHISTA*)

(*YAGA VASHISTA denotes the CLI (Cosmic Linguistic intellect) as the Cognitive Space of PASU PATHI (Cognitive Constitute of the above three dimensional civilization Space of Social Mentors; Mother BHARATH being the Centrist INDRA (Indus Valley) with expanded wings of? HARAPPA and MOHANJADARO civilization on either side as empowered Social Mentors of EAST and WEST.)

Among the above three dimensional space of QUANTUM PHYSICS (Consciousness), SUN heads the KALAM (time Beings of Elemental Space, MOON heads Mental Space and MARS heads Spiritual Space, together referred “CLIM” means CLIMATE as primary Principles of SANADAN? DHARMA of ?SUSTAINABLE COSMIC SPACE ?along with the four? planets as MATES of Duty Consciousness, I.e., MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS and SATURN. This CLIMATE PART represents the First better Half – PAKSHA (PART) also referred as GARUDA (HIGH FLY EAGLE) of 180 degree.

Human dynasty of MANU KULAM represents the VAMANA PURA ( second hemisphere similarly as of 180 degree), out of which 90 degree occupies as Space of Cognitive Mentors of RAJO GUNA (KING HOODS) as well cognitive links of SANADAN, i.e. (1) URANUS?? of the SUN link, (2) NEPTUNE of MOON Link (3) PLUTO of MARS Link) and 90 degree as space of Earthly planet of TAMO GUNA with four dimensional skill hoods of DHARMA (DUTY CONSCIOUS SOCIAL MENTOR SHIPS) are related to the four dimensional parental MATES, i.e., (1) DHARMA being the Space links of RIGHTS-Planet MERCURY (NORTH SPACE OF KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS), (2) ARTHA being the ?space links of VALUES- the JUPITER- LAVA KUSAS (ACADEMICS and INDUSTRIES-NORTH EAST), (3) KAMA or KARMA beings the space links of Cognitive ETHICS- the Social Planet VENUS- (Holistic Management SOUTH WEST and SOUTH EAST), and (4) MOKSHA being the space links of Freedom Beings- JUDICIOUS SOCIETY of the planet SATURN- Holistic Governance-the SOUTH SPACE), together represent the Principles of humanities. Please refer the following figure for better understanding:


?(Note of Caution: Ancient Society was evolving in the above cyclic order from South to East to Atlantic movement as of the global society of BHARAT MATHA as a whole. And this natural evolution of Mother Nature only had later got torpedoed by the radicalized youth of west developing Artificial Pyramids in Egypt destroy the Judicial Space, disintegrate and corrupt every scientific principle and religious texts of Mother Nature as well bring in NATO VETO concepts of social exploitation.)

Methodologies of resurrection of humanities, we will continue in the next class …….

To be Cont.’…d

Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working together.[email protected]



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