Resurgence of BHARAT (INDRA), the Global Society & Cognitive Work Culture Series…214, SATYA NARAYANA VRUTHA (Re-seeking Principles of Truth & Systems)
Dr K Nithyanandan Nair
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
My beloved people of BHARATH MATHA - the Global Society,
Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments , Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.
Note of Special Attention: “O, my beloved RAMA (Young Society of Skillful Mother Nature) as of Readers or Seekers of Conscious Principles of Mentor ships) please rise up from the sleep or from the unconscious state of affairs and be alert, “KOUSHALYA SUPRAJA RAMA, POORVA SANDYA PRAVARTHADE, UTHISTA NARAS of SUTALA*; KARTHAVYAM DEVA MAN DRIG… TRYLOKA AMBARAM MANGALAM KURU**”; we have to learn the QUANTUM PHYSICS (three dimensional Cognitive Space Science and Arts of SANADAN DHARMA or principles of KARMA CHAKRA of the parental RAGHU and CHANDRA VAMSAM (COGNITIVE CULTURE OF SUN and MOON) for Social Orientation of the youth……….” Said GURU VISWA MITRA of BHARAT MATHA (Enlightened Mother), Ref Text: Holy RAMAYANA:
(*SUTHALAM is the EARTH, ** KURU means KARMA, Earth is the KARMA KSHETRA of us)
(Elucidation Note: Instead of seeking the TRUTH-the ATMA TATVA or the SEED TATVA of ORIGIN of our Universal KULAM (Family) and of the Sustenance Principles of PADMA (LOTUS like INDUSTRIOUS SOCIAL DECORUM) ?with Quality Concepts of BRAHMA KULAMS (Parenting Principles of AYUR VEDA-Life Science) and of the Sustainable Principles of RISHI KULAMS (Arts of Preceptor Ships of STAR COMMUNITIES of Organizational Principles of Creativity ?and Entrepreneurship as well of Social Safety and Security); our present ?pseudo MENTORS and MASTERS have gone after the short cut Methods of ?Exploit? with ?fast food Customs in Conceit of cutting branches and flowers of the universal tree (Global Family-the VASU DEVA KUTUMBAKAM), ?been unable to refuel the similarly emerging youth and further adopt unsustainable artificial Intelligence of tax and max in exploit of? every budding natural aspirations of youth under the resolved negotiable instruments? and of the ?social laws of the ?refuel techniques, is the cause of the present deep state of anguish like wrecked ?submarines under deep sea and of the desperate affairs of deadly. Ref Text: YOGA VASHISTAM.)
Training Note 5.1: SATYA NARAYANA VRUTHA (Re-seeking Principles of TRUTH and of its Systems)
According YOGA VASISHTA, ATMA which is also colloquially referred as ADAM and HAWA or as “ALLAHU” in Arabic literature is the PRANAVA TATVA “AUM” as the Sustainable Seed of Origin scientifically and cognitively appearing as “PRAN” (SWAYAM BHU) as mentioned in Sanskrit literature, which means DNA of SHIV SAKTHI- the Conscious Life Force of Origin as the Creativity Principle.
Therefore, SHIV SAKTHI (Life Force) is the informal TRUTH or the infinite SPACE TATVA of Consciousness - the PRAN – being ship of Love of SAKTHI- the BHAVANAM (Home Affairs- Affectionate principles) supposed to be the fundamental basic principle of a Police man (a Social Policy Maker)
SAKTHI is the SARAVANA (STATIC State of Resources or Reserve BANK as SAVA (as Deadly Nature of deposited Values of Mother Nature), which can be easily transcended to benevolent Values by BHAVA-the SHIVA -Life force* of us.
(* Life forces of us are the cognitive links of PARA-BRAHMA (SHIV SAKTHI) of the Universal origin, which is developed out of cognition of inherent elements of ATOM and appears before us as beautiful LOTUS like BHAVA (Enlightened Space) as Society of MANU KULAM as the KANYA KUMARI-the VIRGIN Mother of us- the prospective UNNI YESUS as elemental Consciousness of her space.)
YESU DEVA refers to the enlightened Mentor ship as the Quality of the SOCIAL GUARDIAN of destined beings, as of us -the poor people.
In view of the above TRUTHFUL PRINCIPLES of Mother Nature, ?it is time to awaken us from the present confused society of Greed , Lust and pride nature of our pseudo Mentor ships and? of ?the mischievous doings of polluting nature. ?
About the Conscious Social Systems and Culture of Truth, we will discuss in the next class…….
To be Cont.’…d
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