Resurgence of BHARAT (INDRA), the Global Society & Cognitive Work Culture Series…225, PANCHANGA TATVA of SOCIAL SYSTEMS and CULTURE

Resurgence of BHARAT (INDRA), the Global Society & Cognitive Work Culture Series…225, PANCHANGA TATVA of SOCIAL SYSTEMS and CULTURE

My beloved people of BHARATH MATHA - the Global Society,

Kind Attn: MOTHER BHARAT and All Member Nations of UN, especially Ministries of Home Affairs, HRD, Health, Parliamentary affairs, Finance (Economics) Industry and Defense., The Judiciary, Think tankers of Central and State Governments, Leaders of Religion, Politics, Universities, Academies and Culture of India and of other Nations of the global Society.

Note of Special Attention: Please read in continuation to the previous article series…224. And read repeatedly till these wisdom concepts are conceived consciously in our KAMANDALU (Value seeking Anxious Minds), because without Conscious KAMANDALU (Valuable Mind), first of all, one cannot become a Saint, a Teacher, a Social Mentor (a Politician and a Policeman) or a Democrat (a Soldier and a Preceptor), not even fit to wed anyone to provision a PUTRA (AMRUT GANA-Conscious Seed- a Child of humanity) for continuity of life and for being in VYKUNDAM of NARAYANA (as? social Mentors in Cognitive Society of eternal happiness as of blissful Nature of enriched value beings) at all times, Courtesy to VISHNU PURANA.

Secondly, only after getting us- we the parental and Social Mentors linked to Conscious world of eternity as of spiritual nature of PURUSHARTH (Virile hood), we are in a position to transform our present elemental global Society also to her eternal Nature of creativity wisdom of peace and prosperity in harmony of our freedom.

Thirdly, the present conflict and viral nature of the global society will come to an end, when we all of us slowly get transcend to the field of merry Christmas or to the spirit of ALLAH (Universal spirit of solidarity) subsequently all are attaining? SAMADHI (Social Equity) as of well beings of VASU-DEVA-KUTUMBAKAM of BHARAT MATHA:

(Elucidation Note: Our Ancient parental origin were MELONIS (beloved and affectionate ever green Social Mentors as Cognitive links of Mother Nature) being very Consciously aware of PANCHANGA TATVA of SOCIAL SYSTEMS and CULTURE (Five Elemental know-how of PANCHA BOODHAS + three of Quantum Physics of Maternity Systems, i.e., SUN, MOON and MARS + subsequently emerged four dimensional Art of SANADAN DHARMA. i.e., MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS and SATURN as Duty Conscious Planet Principles.)

Training Note 6.1 Cognitive Science and Art of Social Systems of the Rights, Ethics and Values

BHARAT MATHA was the first projected Elemental BRAHMA (Enlightened Independent Society) as the 13th Principle of the Universal PARA BRAHMA. And from this 13th Principle of BRAHMA (Enlightened Society) had appeared the entire Cognitive Science and Art of VEDANTA (INFINITE NATURE OF BRAHMA VIDYA) referred as MURARI (SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS OF STAR PRINCIPLES) of GOMATHA (Planet Earth) and NANDHINI PASU (WISDOM BEINGS OF HUMANITIES AS PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN SOCIETY and as of ART of HUMAN SUSTENANCE and SUSTAINABLE EVOLUTION of the Mother Nature- the MILKING COW- the CLIMATE) represented as the republican links of planet NEPTUNE universally as Chief Mentor with the Links of URANUS and Links of PLUTO on either side as Social Mentors of LAVA ( FLEXIBLE SYSTEMS OF THE WEST) and KUSA (RIGID OR STRICT? INSTRUMENTALISTS OF THE (EAST).

And from the above Elemental BRAHMA or from the CONSCIOUS BHARAT MATHA, further appeared PANCHA BHAVAS as the Principles of Humanities - the PANCHA MUGA GANAPATHI (Conscious Society of five VISWA KARMAJERS- Among the five, three being of? SOCIAL MENTOR SHIPS (MENTAL SYSTEMS-MANU KULAMS of KNIGHTS or QUEENS) and two beings of ART- rather the ?fourth one being Entrepreneurs or stars or as KINGS of the SYSTEMS and fifth one being the democrats or DEVA GANAS (Preceptors) of the enlightened Society- the DEVA KULAM.

As such, the former Social Mentors of human beings of elemental Society were the prospective beings of HUMANITIES as conceives of conceptual Cognitive Science (Valuable three Dimensional Quantum Physics) understanding the Art of Social Systems of the (1) “SRIM”- DEVA GANAS (DAYS-Enlightened beings of human Rights), (2) “HRIM” MANU GANA (Knights of Ethics of Maternity) (3) “CLIM” SURA GANAS (Sustenance of human Values) and (4) “SHRIM” PANCHA ANGAS, i.e., MANU, MAYA, TWASTA, SILPI and VISWAGYANI as ?had already been laid out in VISWA KARMA PURANA* of ?GURU KULAMS of BHARAT MATHA.

(*VISWA KARMA PURANA means Cognitive Science and art of the Universal Work Culture).

(Note of Caution: To our misfortune, We the contemporary society had been de-linked from such ancient MANU SMRUTHI (MEMORY OF SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES) of GURU KULAMS of BHARAT MATHA as our former society had been victims to the caricatures of rude KARTIKARJUNAS (Mass of Misguided Youth of the Former radicalized Society of the West) of then period and thereafter too like what had happened from Afghanistan to Pakistan and those of similar games that are now also happening here and there including UKRAINE, BANGLA DESH etc., ?been the very cause of deep unconscious state of ?present social affairs.

Although, Mother BHARAT is endeavoring to come out of the? social snag, most of the social affairs continue to remain in ritual state as CUSTOMS in the name of democracy. Ritual means formal customs like children play with mud without any sense of values or of any social benevolence. This was okay for the children, but now since we have grown up to an adolescent state, we have to get educated to the systems and cultures of the humanities as highlighted in Vedic Scripts of Wisdom of BHARAT MATHA)

To be Cont.’…d

Directives from the?SCOSAQ-the Research NGO Civil Society in Cognitive Science of BHARAT MATHA for Social Reformation and human empowerment with Principles of working together.[email protected]



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