Resumes 101
Having a quality resume is the first step to making a great first impression when searching for a new role. Without that solid foundation, companies might glance past your application without giving it a second thought. A resume can be viewed as the most important calling card in your job search and should include some specific items:
Contact Information
Make sure to include your current phone, mail, and email addresses. Whatever email you include should be a professional one that you check regularly. It's best to choose an email address that includes your first and last name.
???????????Professional: [email protected]
???????????Unprofessional: [email protected]
In addition, set up a professional voicemail. Unprofessional voicemail messages or voicemail boxes that are not set up might generate a negative impression and hurt your chances. Finally, double-check that all contact information is correct and up to date. You don't want to miss out on an interview because you used an old phone number on your resume!
Career Objective
You can choose whether or not to list your career objectives, there are advantages and disadvantages to both options. You may lose an opportunity if your specific purpose does not match the recruiter's requirements. Having a clearly stated professional purpose, on the other hand, might assist your recruiter in finding the appropriate job match and can be advantageous in the long run.
If you choose to include a professional objective, keep it simple and concise, no more than 2-3 sentences. If you're new to the job market or switching career fields, a career objective might be useful. The hiring manager will be able to better grasp your overall career ambitions and how you can be a suitable fit for the organization if you include a career objective.
Summary Statement
A summary statement should be a brief synopsis highlighting your professional skills and experience obtained. Be sure to include title and years of experience, relevant skills, and character traits or work style. These sections are crucial for job hopefuls with many years of experience in a specific industry. This section allows them to organize and highlight all of their expertise.?
Professional Experience
List the professional positions you've held in reverse chronological order. If you've held multiple positions at the same company, list them all to show your growth and advancement within the company. Under each role in the body, write a position description describing your various responsibilities and accomplishments. Make sure you include awards and recognitions with each job, and highlight quantitative achievements, such as:
Including these quantitative statistics will help potential employers see the value in you as a candidate, and potentially lead to an offer being extended.
Other Components
Some other factors to include on your resume include higher education, professional training, licenses and certifications, technical skills, and languages.?
Tailoring your resume is the first step toward getting your next big opportunity. Our recruiters can help ensure your resume is in pristine condition and ready to send off to companies, so reach out today!
Corporate PC Sales Specialist at Lenovo
2 年Love the contact info tips. Cringy email addresses are an immediate red flag. And yes, PLEASE set up your voicemail and make it sound like an adult.