Resume writing Tips
Sending CV is one of the most important aspects of the job search process. With more and more candidates competing for a single job position, it is important that you stand out in the crowd. Therefore, even more, important than merely sending a docum

Resume writing Tips

Sending CV is one of the most important aspects of the job search process. With more and more candidates competing for a single job position, it is important that you stand out in the crowd. Therefore, even more, important than merely sending a document is the CV writing part as your CV can help portray you as the ideal candidate for the job role.

To come across as a prospective candidate, your CV has to first impress the employer. Therefore, it is crucial that your CV is in line with the preferences of recruiters and hiring managers. Professional resume writers are always up-to-date with the changing trends and you can use their expertise to land your CV into the hands of the recruiters. However, there are many who prefer to figure out things on their own.

If you too fall into this category, here are top 6 secrets that will help you make a perfect CV in 2021.

1-Single Page CV,s

Hiring Managers receive applications from hundreds of job seekers and they don’t have the time to read through lengthy resumes. Moreover,?writing a good CV?is an important skill in itself that helps the employers to identify potential candidates. Therefore, it is important that you know which information should be included or eliminated from your CV.

2-Ditch the Objective

The fact that you are sending a CV clearly shows your intent that you want the job that you have applied for. Very few hiring managers are interested in reading objective statements in your CV. Hence, it is perfectly okay for you to skip this section and save some space on your CV.

3-?Mention Only Relevant Information from Your Educational Background

Hiring managers only want to know about your educational background that is relevant to the job role. You can keep information about the highest degree earned and ditch the rest. However, if you have done some certification courses related to your field of work, do include them.

4-Display the Value You Added To Projects Worked On

Gone are the days when job seekers could lie about their skills and accomplishments in the CV. Modern-day hiring managers are smart enough to spot the difference between fake and genuine information. Therefore, it is crucial that job seekers showcase their accomplishments along with a proof in the CV.

5-Avoid Using Colorful Fonts and ‘All Caps’

Until and unless you are from a creative field and have a great design sense, refrain from using colorful fonts and heading and sub-heading in all caps. Stick to regular fonts that look professional and don’t cause strain on the reader’s eyes.

6-Adding Your Professional Twitter Profile

According to a survey conducted by Software Advice, a software research company, 174 out of 500 companies listed on the Fortune’s list use Twitter for recruitment purpose. This is only going to trend more this year as most recruiters now visit the social accounts, especially Twitter, of their prospective candidates to know them better. Therefore, it is important that you have a professional Twitter handle where you actively share your thoughts and knowledge. Also, make sure to add the link to your Twitter handle in the CV.




