Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips

5 things you should not include on your resume


A resume is supposed to be a one paged document listing your name, contact details, your qualifications and skill sets. Any other unnecessary information will be overlooked, and you might face the risk of being sidelined for an interview call. On your resume, you should never come off as a show- off or even as a bore. There are many details that you need not include in your resume.

1.Family details and background:

I have gone through resumes that contain at least 2 paragraphs or 10 lines about a candidate’s family background. The candidates said that they wanted to impress the hiring company that their family background is good; that the rest of the family is hardworking; that the candidate himself or herself can be seen as possessing a great family background and upbringing.

Many candidates put their entire family details on their resume—their parents and grandparents, where they live, what they do. They also talk about their siblings and the positions they hold. Remember the HR has thousands of applications to go through…they are not interested in reading through an essay. Moreover, references to where your relatives are working may seem to the HR like you are seeking a favor or that you are looking to influence their decision.

The fact of the matter is that companies hire you only for your skills and not for other people’s skills. During the interview the interviewer will get a fair idea of your personality and may ask you questions about your family and so on.

2.Personal photo

Unless asked for, it is not advisable to attach a photo. Many hiring executives have been told not to hire on the basis of gender, race and so on and they prefer looking through a CV without being influenced by a photograph. Moreover, these photos may be discarded somewhere or get into the wrong hands and there will be a security issue there as well.

Companies that ask for a photo (it may be mandatory if you are in the entertainment industry, or a hostess in an airplane or restaurant) also ensure that they keep your photos safe and secure.

If a job ad says that it requires a photo, make enquiries on why it is needed and whether you can get your photograph back if you are not selected and so on.

3.Fake certifications and positions

Many candidates think that if they put in fancy positions and some certifications, it will help them get hired faster. On the contrary there is a huge danger of your being called out, caught and even facing legal charges. Your entire career will suffer if you put up anything that is not true on your resume.

4.Irrelevant hobbies and personal information

Many resumes have a section called “hobbies” where candidates put in irrelevant facts like “love to watch tv and movies”” love to read” and “play badminton on weekends”

Candidates put in this information because they want to display that they have other interests as well and that they are well rounded personalities. However, the bad news here is that nobody is interested in knowing these facts.

If you have had extra-curricular activities where you have won awards or have been part of a state or national team, then do mention them. If you have written a book or have had academic publications in your area of work; if you have been assigned important assignments of relevance in your previous company, those also can be mentioned.

5.Previous salary drawn or expected salary

This can be discussed at the interview or at the time of hiring. If you put these numbers on your resume, you might even be rejected right at the outset, since the HR might think that you are looking for a bargain or a deal.

Salary negotiations can go on at a later stage in the hiring process.

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Content Creator & Academic Mentor @ TRUE LESSONS DENTIST

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A resume gives the recruiter an introduction about the candidate. It gives the first impression. If the recruiter likes your resume, you get the interview call. So a well written resume is actually a candidate's personal marketing tool.

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System Engineer at Avigna Learning Academy Pvt Ltd

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