Resume Robert A. Jackson

Robert Jackson (415)860-8161 

Objective: Staff Services Analyst/ Associate Government Program Analyst/ Legal Analyst

Skills: Effective analytical, interpersonal, and verbal/written communication skills. Contract development and management, meeting facilitation, events management, analysis (compliance/ audits/advising.) Office 2000, MS Word, Powerpoint, State intranet web based systems including: Health and Welfare Data Control, Department of Motor Vehicles, EDDi, ETP Intranet/MIS/Tracking/Forms and public website, California. Department of Corrections database, Caljobs Employer Contact Management System and Activities Case & Events System. Mixed methods research, multimedia analog and digital audio visual production directing and publishing. Fiscal analysis. Westlaw legal research.

Work History:

Staff Services Analyst III 08/2007- Current     

State Of California- Employment Training Panel (

Managed over 200 State contracts totaling over twenty million dollars. Developed agreements, modifications, amendments and proposal memorandum on the behalf of eligible entities with minimal supervision. Facilitated the development of training plans and monitored approved contracts to ensure State training funds were used appropriately. Improved standard contract language, corrected interpretations of regulations in staff resource manuals and suggested policy clarifications and reforms. Routinely advised contractors and junior staff. Authored public monitoring reports and met sensitive deadlines for funding proposals. Extensive travel to California Contractor’s sites based in the SF Bay Area. Advised contractors regarding compliance and eligibility issues and successfully achieved desired corrective actions when needed.


Employment Program Representative III 04/2002 – 08/2007

State of California- Employment Development Department (                   

Designed and led job search and training workshops for diverse interagency and public clients in One-stop centers in Alameda County. Provided job referrals, improved cover letters, edited resumes, and helped develop interviewing skills and job search strategies for diverse clients. Case managed over 100 youth ages 14-22 and several hundred parolees. Issued confidential DMV & Unemployment records, advised customers regarding appeal and complaint processes serving as a single point of contact for EDD.  Represented EDD in job fairs, Mayor’s Summer Job Program, Fred Finch and Department of Corrections interagency collaborations. Helped EDD’s marketing team surpass goals by landing large employer accounts to list jobs and helped increase the Employer Advisory Councils membership. Published several articles in Marketing News, an internal periodical. Provided support to EDD’s Disability Insurance branch by preparing liens, claimant appeals hearings, and contacted claimants to acquire updating information for continued claims- and also assisted Labor Market Information partners with drafting news for external customers. 


Administrative Assistant II 08/2000 – 04/2002

Haight Ashbury Free Clinic- Jail Psychiatric Services 

Assisted City and County of San Francisco’s Department of Public Health Quality Improvement Coordinator. Tracked and processed Unusual Occurrence incidents. Revised the Illness and Injury Prevention Program by drafting policies and procedures to comply with Cal-Osha requirements. Authored summaries of legal claims for lead Physician at CCSF’s DPH. Organized employee files and updated credentialing of staff. Created and edited job announcements. Drafted interagency memoranda. Aided in regulatory inspections mandatory reporting and attended interagency meetings. Generated millions of dollars from serving as a back-up to a Pharmaceutical Technician by filing prescription rebate claims. Also served as a back-up medical courier.   



2012- 2017. PhD Candidate, Public Policy, Walden University. Dissertation pending.

2009 Effective Writing and Completed Staff Work trainings at CPS Human Resources Services

2007 Paralegal Certificate, Colorado State University 

2006 Passed CBEST Exam Emergency Teacher Certified

2004 M.A. Special Major (Education, Journalism and Psychology.) San Francisco State       

2002 EDD Core I-V Customer service, case management, violence prevention, State Of CA                             

1999 B.A. Humanities (Peace Studies and Communications Emphasis) New College of California  


References Upon Request





Dear Human Resources Personnel,


    I have proudly served and been promoted into seven different program assignments in the EPR and SSA series since being recruited into Employment Development Department State service in 2001. All of the posts are associated within the Workforce Development arena. I have strong written and oral communications and paralegal skills. I also have good research and analysis abilities.  

    I am open to AGPA full-time permanent posts in the San Francisco Bay Area.    Below I have listed some career highlights that reflect my abilities and commitments. Thanks for considering me.      





Robert Jackson


Diversity Statement:


    Einstein was correct asserting that intelligence is found in diversity. My appreciation for music, knowledge, art, and culture has helped me appreciate differences. My studies in discrimination law, communications, and psychology has helped me develop a broader understanding of how identity and the perception of identity plays a roles in relationships. Having an inter-racial family and a wide variety of friendships and travel experiences has also informed my appreciation of differences. At the Employment Development Department (EDD) I had an opportunity to serve unemployed business people, lead youth, serve the disabled, serve ex-felons, and serve populations in Oakland that suffered a rate of chronic unemployment at nearly twice the states average rate. I was also given an opportunity to serve employers in dynamic ways related to training in response to growth and development. In the last decade my interactions at work have been mostly with CEO’s, Human Resource Managers and Owners.   


Public Administration/ Business Management:


    My recent academic accomplishments within a doctorate program has brought greater depth in my practice as a professional. Tools for strategic development and gap-analysis along with best practices for collaborative efforts engaging the effective management of public institutions combined with physical infrastructure and psychological threat analysis regarding the U.S. population were among my emphasis areas in pursuit of a Public Policy and Administration PhD. 


    At Employment Training Panel (ETP) I have had an opportunity to apply my knowledge to recommend many program improvements including; revisions to internal guidelines, boiler contract language edits, policies updates, and procedure refinements. For example, updates to storage of confidential information, website encryption, and staff procedures for managing confidential data to be complaint with the 1974 Privacy Act were recommended. Revisions to public documents and internal guides were also elevated as needed. I assisted with the implementation of learning management systems evaluations to help streamline employer documentation of eligible training. In addition, I recommended the allowance of Out of State training be permitted on a case by case and limited to 10% of overall hours. Perhaps the most significant recommendation concerned the automation of repetitious work to eliminate bias and streamline the application for funding processes and funding cap concepts to help maximize the distribution of funding among applicants. This led to the purchase of a new MIS system to manage contracts.


    In my first six years of service at EDD, managers called on me to lead interagency partnerships with Department of Corrections, Fred Finch Agency, and Mayors Summer Youth program in Oakland, CA. The job was essentially educational services focused where I assisted job seekers in job search activities, filing Unemployment, Disability and Paid Family Leave claims. I updated educational materials, refined job announcement collection and posting strategies for our business services team to boost CALJOBS resources, a public resource used to match job seekers and employers. I was also placed on loan to EDD’s Disability Insurance (DI) Program to assist them during staff shortages. My role at DI was primarily assisting the Appeals Specialist. My last assignment before promotion to Analyst was to lead the Employer Advisory Council of Southern Alameda where I assisted the chair to align the charter with statutory requirements related to employer obligations and together we grew participation by facilitating activities that attracted membership growth in a dynamic way.  


    In the last ten years, my assignment at ETP involved contract development and management. Formerly, these were two separate functions within the field inside ETP. The duties performed required time management skills and strong communication skills to meet various deadlines in different stages from pre-application, application, contract proposal, panel, post panel approval, and monitoring tasks. Negotiation for contract amount being requested was needed involving contractors and subcontractors. Our staff was able to produce a record number of contracts with a lean staff according to executive staff strategic annual reports.  


    Analyst also provide pre-audit supportive services and fiscal invoicing assistance to contractors. Consequently, field staff master several functions including Office Technicians (OT) processing tasks in the event of an OT absence (a role difficult to keep filled), Eligibility, Fiscal, and many other roles performed along-side other specialist positions in different units to guide and support those analyst to ensure the successful management of the project from start to finish. 


Policy Analysis/ Application:

    ETP contracting is a complex affair ranging from single employers, multiple employers. Joint Apprenticeships, and training agency entities. Analyst are responsible to ensure eligibility determinations remain relevant and are correct as it impacts the program requirements for contractors. Analyst apply Title 22 policy guidelines to scenarios throughout the contracting period and advise clients depending on the circumstances presented in addition to building the proposals, contracts, and providing technical assistance. 


    Earlier in my career I applied policy analysis to build a CAL-OSHA compliant Illness and Injury Prevention Program at City of San Francisco’s Jail Health Services under minimal supervision. Later at EDD, I was a single point of contact and took interest in learning many laws such as Dills Act, Workforce Investment Act, UI and DI codes, , and Department of Fair Employment and Housing codes and basic civil rights law to better support my clients needs and make appropriate referrals as needed. 


    In my academic career I analyzed and published papers covering many policies and how they were being carried out including Homeland Security Act, Logan Act, International treaties pertaining to arms control and more because my specialization was a security focus.


Negotiation/ Communications

    At Department of Public Health CCSF under Jail Health Services (JHS), where I served the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic in the late 90’s, I wrote memorandum of understanding between the Sheriff’s Department and JHS. I mediated areas of disagreement to produce a document that ultimately was agreed upon. 


    In my current job at ETP, I lead about four meeting per contract over a two year period with signatories and their representatives (owners, Executives, H.R. contacts and often third party Administrative Subcontractors). The meetings consist of onsite visits, panel prep calls, onsite or desk monitoring, and some are conducted go-to-meetings via computer. Each meeting requires preparation and tailored information depending on contractor variables such as program type based on eligibility determinations and attributes we find during initial site visit meetings. 


    I author several public reports following mandatory meetings and complete two funding proposals on average per month. My work product needs minimal editing as evidenced by route slips in our review processes. You can search panel packets at for the past year and see my proposals for funding under each month either under delegation orders or by region. In some of my assigned duties at EDD, I interacted with press and made brief public presentations. My last analysis of audits placed my contracts performing better and with less over-payments compared to my fellow staff. I represent those results stem from my ability to gain contractor’s cooperation to implement self-audit processes I recommend through the process which increases accuracy and compliance.



Statistical Analysis

    ETP tracks performance as quality measures and to manage state funding. Analysts provide periodic updates and compute averages and funding requests. We carry out basic math functions including addition, multiplication, division, ratio’s, percentages and turnover rates. However, I did attend a PhD program where I was exposed to more complex statistical concepts for both quantitative and qualitative research projects. I am more familiar with qualitative research methods, but appreciate mixed methods where the problem may need both. Most of my research experience is qualitative in design based on my areas of research in behavioral science.  


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