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Haven't heard of us yet? We are ground-floor in Canada and USA! NATURAL botanically based Hair product for all hair types including thinning hair! You'll get a full size product pack, PLUS.....a FREE-Volume system, a FREE-Magnify system(my gift to you) and a FREE-Starter Kit. ($567 savings??!) That's ??16??Full Size p...roducts!! (If you would like a list of them just message me). Monat is waiving the $125 starter kit cost, though that is another option to get in on this revolutionary product and company! Bottle of shampoo lasts 2-4 months??????
Do something different for New Years??. Get new hair ??.
This is an awesome amount of products, for an unbelievable price!!!
My dry,damaged & hair receding has gone away! My hair is incredible now! US is $299