This week’s posts had a SOLUTION focus:
1-30-17: The sooner you reach a SOLUTION, the sooner the problem resolves
1-31-17: PLAN B is necessary for success, but only after exhausting Plan A
2-1-17: Recognize how often what we do for others is MOMENTOUS
2-2-17: SUPERSATURATED: making your solution exceed expectations and ready for changes
More important than the SOLUTION is the RESULTS. (I am not saying “The end justifies the meansâ€. Doing the wrong thing to reach a desired end has negative RESULTS and that needs to be factored in as well – not a good SOLUTION)
But SOLUTION can be defined as “result†or can be defined as “plan to get the result†– our language is rather imprecise. If using the latter definition the RESULTS are ultimately more important.
A year ago I wrote on RESULTS but I couldn’t think of better term so will just use it again.
2-3-16: RESULTS or excuses? can't have both. What do you choose?
When evaluating who you want to work with (hire, partner, collaborate, etc.) looking at plans, responses to hypothetical scenarios, lists of degrees and certifications, projections of future developments – all that can get complicated and reach information overload very quickly. A much more efficient approach – evaluate their RESULTS. Long stories with no RESULTS – steer clear. (This does not mean you need exact experience to get the job. Some of the greatest collaborators I have worked with started with high aptitude and technically not meeting the “requirements†– but they had RESULTS in their own way [ie the signal for high aptitude] and have subsequently exceeded expectations.)
RESULTS or reasons? What do you choose?
One more thing: If you choose RESULTS then you need to focus on your SOLUTION to achieve the changes needed to get the RESULTS.