

In my entire life I never had to worry about gaining weight. But when I was 26, I started seeing more and more of my gut and realized that I need to start watching what I eat before this thing gets out of control.

And I want to let you know, it wasn’t an easy process to just pick up and go to the gym.

I had no idea what I was doing.

It took me quite a while to figure out what the habit I needed to get into, to start consistently eating well and hitting the gym.

I first tried to go for an entire year and failed over and over.

Went a few days, threw up, then stopped.

Tried going just to run on the elliptical. Which now looking back, I realized that it did nothing to help my end goal of losing weight and getting fit again.

So I struggled some more.

One of the mindset realizations I had was how quickly my response of “do I want to go to the gym today” became “no”. I would come up with excuses as to why I would avoid the gym today.

After that realization, I decided to come up with things I could do to make this work consistently and for my schedule.

Initially I started going 7 days a week. It gave me 0 options to avoid the gym today. I had to go.

The problem I ran into there was I didn’t know what to do at the gym. So I just ran on the eliptiocal and performed no resistance or weight training.

I clearly had no idea what I was doing and I also would wear the same swim trunks to the gym.

After floundering around for a while, I decided ok, I am really going to take this seriously.

I went and hired a trainer.

Someone who would come to my gym every single day of the week and train with me.

And this worked for a while as well.

We started to perform resistance training that become more and more intense than what I was used too.

But something still was off about this process.

The trainer that I had did not fit the criteria I wanted in a trainer.

This trainer was focused on more weight and protein shakes.

I wanted a lean, fit body that would last me into old age.

While I was working out with him, I injured my back. Which I have never had back problems, until I tried lifting weight that was too heavy for me.

After discussing this gruling process with one of my clients, my client recommended I follow his workout plan instead.

This client is about to be 60 years old…

With a 6 pack.

I’m 28, I don’t have a 6 pack.

Clearly he knows what he is doing.

I decided to take his workout plan and advice and fired my trainer.

And I've been crushing that for 8 months now.

It’s working wonders. 3 days a week. Full body training. Minimum amount of time needed for maximum long term results.

Exactly what I was looking for.

This client had results. 60 and 6 pack.

I decided he is who I want to listen too when it comes to longevity and training properly.

Because he did it himself and has RESULTS.

But I think the biggest thing I got from this whole working out thing is just whenever you want something just find someone who's actually got the results.

If you want to make more money, you should probably find somebody who has results in making income and has a high net worth.

I basically have a rule that if the person does not have results in the area I am looking for help, I refuse to listen to them.

If you are overweight, I won't take advice from you on how to properly stay in shape.

If you are broke and in debt, I won’t take advice from you on how to get wealthy and remain wealthy with a high net worth.

There's no way that I'm going to take your advice on this topic and just move on to somebody else.

Whenever you're looking to figure out how to do something, just look around at somebody that's got results and just go to them.

Start drilling them with 50 questions, and even offer to pay them if you have to, but ignore the people that say that they can do it but don't actually have what you want.

And when you find those couple of people that are actually doing exactly what you want, just surround them.

Don’t stop until they tell you their secrets.


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