Result Work - It’s where the magic happens!

Result Work - It’s where the magic happens!

Most of us know exactly what to do to reach our goals. Generally, the problem is not lack of information, it’s a lack of execution. June 30th and the start of the second half of the financial year is quickly approaching. Are you ready for it??

With my team at work and within my business Popcorn Coaching I’m already evaluating and anticipating what’s possible for the next 6 months and what it is going to look like. Always a little further…what goals do I want to achieve and what actions do I need to take now to get there and to successfully achieve those results.

Have you asked yourself this lately? What are your hopes and dreams worth to you and what steps and actions are you willing to take each day to get to the top of your ‘mountain’ in 2024?

It takes everyone a different amount of time to realise that there are no handouts, there’s no set playbook for your ‘game’, and no one is coming to save you. Worth ethic is something I’m not scared of. We all have the same 24 hours and it’s up to each of us to utilise this time. The key for me has been to continually ask myself every day, is this ‘busy work’ or ‘result work’??

The fact is that both busy work and result work can make us tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Additionally, both of these types of work can take up our whole day if we choose to let them. Lastly, both types of work can make us feel like we’re DOING and/or producing something.

I heard an interesting analogy this week that described ‘busy work’ as running in place and ‘results work’ as getting somewhere or moving forward. As I’ve discussed before, even if we go in the wrong direction, it is still moving forward if we take the opportunity to learn from the experience. Alternatively, we can run in place and get just as tired as someone else who’s running down the street. The only difference between the two is that the person running down the street is going to actually get to their destination.?

And so, I’ve been intentional in developing these strategies, so I can take this knowledge and apply it in my life, teach my clients and work colleagues, and help people utilise the efforts that we are all taking, so we can better produce result work.?

Quality time with my boys and my puppy; Smashing fundraising targets with The Hospital Research Foundation Group , team building, adding value, fun, cohesion and collaboration to my working environment; Building my coaching business Popcorn Coaching and helping new clients; Health, fitness and time outdoors; an October Long weekend away in the Flinders Ranges with a group of amazing women; a Resilience retreat in the Hinterland QLD in October; a 10 day Patagonia hiking adventure of a lifetime with Karen Nyberg in November; and a trip to Japan skiing over Christmas with my partner. This is the next 6 months and what I’m creating for my life and to finish off my 49th year with a BANG!

Essentially, every quarter and every year, we have to run in a different direction if we want to find different results. Is this your time to pop out of your comfort zone and get into the driver’s seat of that Porsche you’ve been wanting to take for a spin? Your mid-life transition can be whatever you create it to be.?

Coaching has changed my life and I believe that it can change yours too. Sometimes all you need is to step off the dance floor of your life for the weekend and step up onto the balcony. This can allow you to truly evaluate where things are at and look around with a clear view, a new perspective and apply a rosy ‘what’s possible’ lens onto your life.?

So, the way that we know if we’re running in the right direction could be in determining whether we are producing measurable results that we want. Are your current actions helping you to contribute to your goals. If not, my weekend solo (2 night) retreat at Glenelg North includes 12 hours of one-to-one coaching and a breakthrough program that will allow you to Walk your Talk with confidence. Reach out and find out more about this unique opportunity today. Weekends are limited and it’s booking out fast for the second half of the year.

My wish for each one of you is that you have the confidence to try new things over the next 6 months. That you have the courage to access your own mind and come up with creative new ways of approaching the journey to your ultimate goals. What I’ve learned is that we can’t possibly know 'the how' until we get there.

Maybe it’s time to implement some rescue strategies for your own life, what have you been waiting for? Others have already learned the ability and can WILL themselves to turn on their energies, lock it in, and do the results work that matters for them. The truth is we all have potential energies in reserve. The question is, will you choose to tap into your reservoir in the second half of this year? This is your ‘sign’ to start playing at a higher level, after-all who could possibly be better equipped to design a map for your own life than you? Popcorn Coaching can be your compass. Call now to book a weekend retreat that suits your schedule 0418 579 488.



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