Restrictive and repetitive behaviors in Autism
Dr. Jency Blesson Inclusion leader for autistic community
TEDx SPEAKER |Co-founder&CEO of the first autism center in India since 2008 Jewel Autism Centre, INDIA and its branch in DUBAI |Scientist|Renowned Parenting Coach |Inclusion leader| Plastic ban activist
Restrictive and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) are hallmarks of autism. Repetitive behaviors include rocking, hand flapping, finger flicking and so on. Restricted behaviors on the other hand include activities of intense and obsessive interests.
An autistic individual pursues RRBs as a self-calming or self-stimulatory behavior and these interfere with their ability to perform day to day tasks.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders- 5 (DSM-5) describes RRBs as autistic traits. These behaviors are also called as ‘stereotypy’ and ‘perseveration’. ‘Stereotypy’ is the repetition of an act, and includes stimming behaviors while ‘perseveration’ is when an individual gets stuck at an idea or thought. Perseveration can lead to the individual repeating words or phrases over and over again.
According to DSM, these behaviors must be extremely intense in intensity and not able to pursue these must cause a lot of distress to the individual to be classified as autism.
Following are the characteristics of RRBs:
-??????? Sterotyped motor movements, speech or use of objects: This may include lining up of objects and speech behaviors such as echolalia.
-??????? Ritualized patterns of verbal or non verbal behavior: This is marked by rigid thinking patterns like wanting to take the same route everyday or eat the same food
-??????? Highly fixated interests with atypical intensity and focus: Examples include a particular fixated interest on objects
Treatments for RRBs:
-If it seems that the RRBs are stimming behaviors, sensory integration techniques can be used to reduce the sensory overload and help the child adapt better to sensory inputs
-If RRBs are truly behavior issues, then behavior therapy maybe adopted to correct them
At Jewel Autism and Child Development Centre, we use a multi-specialty approach to provide therapy to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. We are the largest team of professionals for Autism therapy in India and we also have a branch in Dubai, UAE.
·??????? Successfully completed 17 years in mainstreaming autistic kids
·??????? Success stories of 150000 + children from 38 countries
·??????? Internship center for 38 universities across the globe
·??????? PhD center for five universities
·??????? First complete child development center in India since 2008
·??????? Biggest CHILD DEVELOPMENT TEAM in India with 180 staff members
·??????? Well established branch in UAE which can cater up to 200 plus kids a day
We believe every child with special needs deserves a chance to experience life like everyone else and it is our mission to provide them the skills and training to realize that dream.
Contact us: Cheriyapally Hospital Buildings, Ooppoottil Kavala, Chalukunnu, Kottayam, Kerala 686001
Phone: +91-9745451747 / +91-9846565524 / +91 9400225922 / +971 547829954
Email: [email protected]
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