Restoring God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within Our Up, The Empowered Up *TEUP* Lady Phrantceena Opines 20 May 2020
Phrantceena Halres
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
Have you seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelled, sensed sovereign divine Up Lately?
God, in his sovereignty divine, Declared HIS Entire Creation as GOOD, with a Big Thumbs UP, as he rested on the Seventh Day; Creation Complete with Upward instructions to "multiply and grow"- "UP" and out into the greater world!
- A little humor regarding Adam's posture of "Thumbs UP" when God created Eve as his Help mate....
Will you recognize it when it shows up?
- We must "LIFT UP" Jesus as a part of those instructions from the garden. Are you lifting UP Jesus in your own mind, body, soul and spirit, and with external people places and things?
What does our scripture teach us about Our Up ?
- Stand Up
- Get UP and Pick UP
- Stand Up and Go
- Get UP and Go!
- SPEAK UP, Seek UP, Knock UP!
…7And the one inside answers, ‘Do not bother me. My door is already shut and my children are with me in bed. I cannot get up to give you anything.’ 8I tell you, even though he will not get up to provide for him because of his friendship, yet because of the man’s persistence, he will get up and give him as much as he needs. 9So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.…
Additional readings below for your quiet time study and ponder, for your treasure chest and took kit; shared by other gifted writers sharing their own understanding with you and me in love and light; We decide...10 Billion, and growing, Human Beings, those we can count, Occupying This Earthly Planet, Today. Amen and Ameen.
Happy Up Journaling!!! on this 20 day of May 2020
- what can i do, today, from where i am in the blessings and lessons of God to Restore God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within my own Up first, and then to my chosen external peoples, places and things?
- Do you have a Up Restoration space place where you go to nurture, grow and rejuvenate your own God Gifted Up within yourself; when this wicked, rigged, illusionist, corrupt, fake, false, phony, manipulative brainwashing, greed need for perceived image, power, status, position while self profiteering off of the vulnerable in society, corrupt deceptive destructive secular worldly systemic Up systems begin to weigh you down? What are you learning about YOU?
- What does the Up mind, body, soul and spirit of your own children look like, sound like, feel like, taste like, smell like, sense like; are you paying attention to their daily manifested outcomes? what are you learning?
- What does Your own Up mind, body, soul and spirit look like, sound like, feel like, taste like, smell like, sense like; are you paying attention to your own daily manifested outcomes as a result of your own choose? what are you learning?
- Is Your Up Real or Fake? is your Up a truth or a lie? is your Up justice or injustice? is your Up a peace or a war? is your Up a love or hate? is your Up to receive or give? is your Up self serving or self empowering? is your Up a perceived public power image status or a good steward of servant Up Leadership? et. al., what are you manifesting, today, as a result of your choose? is it sovereign divine or deceptive destructive?
- How are you teaching and guiding your own children to recognize good and bad Up, within themselves first, and then another person, place or thing within their external environments? Are they learning to choose wisely, as God's divinely ordered word and spirit explains, from your Up Leadership Example within the home first, and then to your external personal, public and private Up space? Are you aware?
- Have you allowed yourself to take on someone else's Up as your own, be it good, bad or indifferent, instead of discovering and embracing your own God Gifted Up within yourself first and then learn to Shine, Share and Socialize it with other like minded divine Up to the highest calling and greater good of yourself and others? What are you manifesting today, as a result of your choose?
- Sovereign Divine Up or Deceptive Destructive Up? what does your life manifest like today? are you paying attention? what are other's learning from your Up example at the workplace, at the business trade dealings to sell your product, service or message to the marketplace, at the worship place, at the recreation place, at the education place, at the community and civil governance place? Are you aware?
- Who makes you their Up? Why do they make you their Up? Where do they make you their Up? When do they make you their Up? What do they make you their Up for? How do they make you their Up? Are you paying attention to THEIR manifested outcomes, as a result of their choose of YOU for their Up? What are you learning?
- Is your Up to help lift up God, yourself and another person, place or thing to its highest good and calling within purpose? OR Is your Up to help hurt, harm and shame yourself and another person, place or thing to its lowest destruction, deceptively? What are your daily manifested outcomes, as a result of your choose? Are you learning anything new about YOU?
- When are you Up? Why are you Up? Where are you Up? What are you Up? Who are you Up? How are you Up? is it sovereign divine? or deceptive destructive? is your Up an asset or a liability? is your Up a Profit or a Loss? Is Your Up Dead or Alive? do you understand the difference and how to choose wisely, as God's divinely ordered word and spirit explains?
- How are You recognizing Fake Self-Serving Up Teaching within your daily environments where you and your children, live, work, play, say and have your daily beings? Are you equipped to discern and BE the Up Leader, as God's divinely ordered word explains? What are you learning as a result of your daily choose? is it time to make a new choose more aligned with your higher purpose and divine calling within your own Up environments? are you aware?
- Do you have a strategic sustainable measured outcome continuous improvement plan for your own God gifted Up within yourself? what are you learning as a result? what are others learning? Are you aware? God's divine Up or Man-made Up; which one are you manifesting and measuring today?
- What did your Up give Today to another person, place or thing? What did your Up receive Today from another person, place or thing? Was it sovereign divine or deceptive destructive? do you understand the difference and How to choose wisely as God's divinely ordered word and spirit explains?
- In your own daily words, actions and deeds, whose leading and guiding your Up mind, body, soul and spirit; it is God's sovereign power and divinely ordered word and spirit? OR is it the deceptive destructive, greed need self profiteering off of the vulnerable in society, fake, phony, false, illusionist, corrupt, manipulative brainwashing, wicked, misleading, et. al., of the worldly systemic Up systems? are your manifested Up outcomes a profit or a loss? an asset or a liability? et. al.
- How are you teaching and leading your children in the Divine Value of their own God Given Up within themselves? Are they Learning to discover and embrace it to shine, share and socialize it with other like minded Up, as God's divinely ordered word and spirit explains? Are you aware? Are they creating Up assets or liabilities?
- Is Your own Up, a divine free or a destructive enslavement? Does your Up bring forth Life & Light or does your Up bring forth Death & Dark? What are you manifesting, today, as a result of your own choose?
- Is your Up sustainable for generational health and wealth? OR is your Up, unsustainable, for generations?
- When does the Good Up become Bad; When does Bad Up become Good? Do you know? Are you manifesting Good or Bad Up, in your daily choose?
- How are you teaching your children in order to embrace and know "Up" they must recognize and understand "down"? What are their lives manifesting as a result of your Up Leadership within the home first? are they learning to be and transfer the good Up for and to their children, as we pass it on to next generation?
- How are you teaching and leading your children, as God's divinely ordered word and spirit explains, about their gift of Up with God first, and then shine, share and socialize the good Up within themselves and to another person place or thing in their words, deeds and actions, daily, to the highest good and calling? Are they learning, by your Up Leadership example in the home, and within your external public, personal and private spaces, how to choose wisely?
- Who or What is Your Up Source? is it God or Man-Made? is it a true Up source or a false Up source? Are you aware?
- How are you teaching your children the divine "Value" of their own God Gifted Up within themselves? What are they learning and manifesting; are you paying attention?
- Are you being a good steward of the Up that God has entrusted unto you? What is the condition of your own Up, today? What does your Up look like, sound like, feel like, smell like, taste like, sense like; Are you aware?
- Who are you holding Accountable for Your Up? Whose holding You Accountable for their Up? Is it God or Man Made? What are you manifesting, today, as a result of your own choose?
- How do you nurture and grow your Up? how did you share your Up mind, your body, your soul and your spirit today? How did your children share their Up today? how are you teaching your children the "Many types of "Ups" they will encounter in their daily activities and to recognize the good and bad? are you paying attention?
- How are you teaching and leading your children to embrace their "Up within" and do the right thing even when no one is looking? Are you aware?
- How are your children learning their role and responsibility within their own Up environments, in which they live every day, vs the "illusion" created by external forces that do not reflect God? are you paying attention?
- How are you teaching your children to recognize their own Up spirits, behaviors, thoughts, actions and the same within other external people, places and things? What are they learning and manifesting as a result? Are you aware?
- How are YOU testing your Up spirit by the spirit within your own daily environments at work, at school, at church, at play, at government, at home, in community, et. al., as God's divinely ordered word says? What are YOU manifesting as a result of your own choose? Are you paying attention?
- When are you teaching your children the difference between a "worldly systemic "Up" and "God's sovereign divine Up" and the wisdom to know the difference? What are they learning and manifesting today in their lives? Are you paying attention?
- When Jesus pays your Up space a visit, what will he see? what will he hear? what will he feel? what will he taste? what will he smell? what will he sense? Do you know? Will it be God's Sovereign Power and Divinely Ordered Up? Are you ready for your visitation?
Greatest Man in history, named Jesus. Had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime.. Yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
- Unknown
- The Blessed Up Character of Heirs to the Kingdom of God, here on earth as it is in heaven
Let's start there: Learn how to Retain it. Sustain it. Evolve it. Grow it for Family Generations to Come as God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order requires within God's Up blessings HERE on EARTH;
- Remember, God is DOING a NEW Thing, Today, in Heaven and in Earth; just as he said he would. Are you paying attention? Are you living in his sovereign divine Up blessings and lessons today?
- Our Gift of Our Up is God's Gift to You and Me and What we Do with Our Gift of Our Up is Our Gift Back to God; where do you stand?
- The Good News is: God Gave you and me, FREE WILL, to CHOOSE; so let's Choose Wisely!!!
Yes, Become The Empowered Up *TEUP*, heaven's way!
in love and light,
Phrantceena T. Halres
You may follow her on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook
Be the Up, sovereign divine!
- Show someone else HOW to Divinely Receive God's Kingdom Up and embrace their own beautiful sovereign divine unique Up, within themselves; as we all sin and fallen short of the Glory of God, as we are not perfect beings;
- as we work together, individually and collectively, to Pass it On and Pay it Forward for our next generation within our Family, today;
- hold our heavenly father Accountable, as he ask us to do, to fulfill his Up promise(s) to you and me, through his son Jesus, within his sovereign divine Kingdom Up Order,
- in a sustained abundance of health and wealth today and generations to come;
- We must Restore God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within Our Up within first and then BE it for our sons and daughters to SEE God's Up Kingdom manifested in our lives, today; as
- We Give God all the Glory and Honor for doing what he said he would do, through his son Jesus, for his Kingdom Sons and Daughters, today on this planet earth. Amen and Ameen PtH
On this 20 day of May 2020
N Joy Our Messages in Music, below, on this 20 day of May 2020
- Lord I Lift your name on high
- We fall down, we get up
- Get up, whose on the Lords side
- Wake up everybody
- My Help
- Lord Lift us Up
- Help me lift Jesus
- Stand
- Bridge over troubled waters
Let's hear from our beloved legendary leaders by example for we the people
- Up Notables below
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
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