Restoring God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within Our Rich, The Empowered Rich *TERICH* Lady Phrantceena Opines 09 June 2018
Phrantceena Halres
2026 Juris Doctorate Candidate at Cavalla International University’s Barclay College of Law
Have you Seen, Heard, Touched, Tasted, Smelled, Sensed Sovereign Divine Rich Lately?
Will you recognize it when it shows up?
Our God's Rich is Man's Poor and Man's Rich is God's POOR; where do you stand?
Blessed....are the Poor (Humble) in Spirit.... Are you BLESSED or STRESSED and do you understand the difference? We will recognize them by the "actual fruit they bear", today.
What did Jesus teach us about Our Rich?
- Are the fruits of your labor manifesting in the abundant humility with yourself and those external people, places and things, within God's Divine Order? POOR is HUMILITY in SPIRIT when living within God's principles; he left for our road map in the beatitudes?
Additional Reading for your quiet time study and pondering for your treasure chest and tool kit, by other gifted writers sharing their understandings.
Happy Rich Journaling!!! on this 09 day of June 2018.
- what can i do from where i am, today, in the blessings and lessons of God to Restore God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within my own RICH First and then to my external people, places and things?
- how are you teaching your children the difference between a very rich person of this world's corrupt wicked fake system and the spiritual richness of God, the humble, ineptly defined by the world as "poor"? What are their lives, today, manifesting as a result of your teachings and leadership by example? are you paying attention?
- are you living the life of a "wanna be" rich of the "illusionist junkets" of this corrupt world system? what is your life actually manifesting, are you paying attention?
- when are you showing your children the difference between a smaller home built with God's unconditional love and the "larger" home built on "sinking sand junket bling bling of this world, that never last"? what are they manifesting in their own lives as a result of your leadership by example within the home, community, work, business dealings, public service, recreation, education, worship, et. al.?
- do you have Rich Poor people, places and things within your space place? or do you have Poor Rich people, places and things within your space place? are you aware?
- what does the Rich Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit of your Children Look like, Sound like, Feel Like, Smell Like, Taste Like, Sense Like, are you paying attention?
- what does your own Divine Rich mind, body, soul and spirit look like, sound like, feel like, smell like, taste like, sense like, are you paying attention? What is your life manifesting, today, as a result?
- Divine Rich or Destructive Rich; Divine Poor or Destructive Poor - Divine Humble or Destructive Humble; which one are you? how are you teaching this most important principle within your own home base?
- The NEW POOR is the "Divinely HUMBLE RICH", how are you leading by example this most important principle within God's Sovereign Divine Order within your own home, your community, work, play, say, et. al.? are you aware?
- have you learned to BE Divine RICH in your own right OR have you chosen to be RICH by some external people, place or thing? do you understand the difference? How are you teaching your children this most important principle.
- Are you "Raising UP" your children within God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order for the own Divine Rich innate inheritance from our heavenly father? what are their lives manifesting as a result of your leadership by example? are you paying attention?
- How are you teaching your children that their Rich gifts will make room for them as Proverbs 18 explains?
Let's start there: Learn how to Retain it. Sustain it. Evolve it. Grow it for Family Generations to Come as God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order requires within God's Kingdom HERE on EARTH
- Remember, God is DOING a NEW Thing, Today, in Heaven and in Earth; just as he said he would. Are you paying attention? Are you in his sovereign divine RICH blessings and lessons today?
- Our Gift of Our RICH is God's Gift to You and Me and What we Do with Our Gift of Our RICH is Our Gift Back to God; where do you stand?
- The Good News is: God Gave you and me, FREE WILL, to CHOOSE; so let's Choose Wisely!!!
- Yes, Become The Empowered Rich *TERICH*, heaven's way!
in love and light,
Phrantceena T. Halres
You may follow her on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook
N Joy our Messages in Music
Wake Up Everybody listen in and be blessed directly to Video
You raise me Up by our gifted children listen in and be blessed
Lets be Blessed and not Stressed as we Restore God's Abundance within our Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit and become the aroma and essence of his majestic magnificent as we bloom right where we are on this gift God gave us - this planet earth - on this 09 day of June 2018 PtH.
The Humbled Rich is the New Poor. ameen and ameen.
2026 Juris Doctorate Candidate at Cavalla International University’s Barclay College of Law
6 年
2026 Juris Doctorate Candidate at Cavalla International University’s Barclay College of Law
6 年Rich Poor? interesting abstract; nicely presented. thanks for sharing.