Restoring God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within Our Rest, The Empowered Rest *TEREST* Lady Phrantceena Opines 06 August 2018
Phrantceena Halres
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
Have you Seen, Heard, Touched, Tasted, Smelled, Sensed Sovereign Divine Rest Lately?
Will you recognize it when it shows up?
What did Jesus teach us about Our Rest?
- additional readings below for your quiet time study and ponder for your treasure chest and tool kit, shared by other gifted writers sharing their own understanding with you and me in love and light; you decide!
Happy Rest Journaling!!! on this 06 day of August 2018
- what can i do from where i am, today, in the blessings and lessons of God to Restore God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within my own Rest, first and then to my chosen external peoples, places and things?
- do you have a Rest Restoration space place where you go to nurture, grow and rejuvenate your own sovereign divine rest when the external worlds of peoples, places and things begin to weigh you down, with all its greed need corrupt profiteering wicked deceptive destructive, et. al., systemic systems of living, work, play say and being?
- resting in God's peaceful gain or Man's protruding pain with sleeping pills and other pills and punch to trick the body mind soul and spirit into a fake sleep; which one does your own Rest manifest today?
- what does the Rest mind, body, soul and spirit of your own children look like, sound like, feel like, taste like, smell like, sense like, are you aware?
- how are you teaching your children that their Rest is a core human principle within God's divine order; Rest is not a human privilege its a human principle tenet for ALL peoples, places and things?
- Within your rest you find your own liberation, did you know? how are you teaching and leading this tenet within your home?
- Your Rest is Blessed; how are you teaching and leading this most important principle tenet within God's sovereign power and divine order, within your home, in the community, at your workplace, in your business dealings, at your church place, et. al., are you aware? what are others learning as a result of your own Rest manifestations, daily?
- Divine Rest & Relaxation or Deceptive Destructive Unrest; which one does your own life manifest like today and how are you teaching and leading others? are you paying attention?
- Siesta Time & Work Life Culture tenet (required time for daily REST from work 4 hrs) is a core work and business cultured climate in many countries, where their people places and things are to BE Rested to Rise in their own life liberation and purpose; how are you living this core principle within your business dealings and work places, for all people, not just the societies perceived privileged?
- How are you teaching and leading your children to "unplug" and "rest" daily in a worldly RACE of Unrest? Rest is not being lazy, unproductive, a luxury only for worldly profiteering systems; it is a health requirement for basic living in the flesh and spirit.
- Your Sovereign Divine Rest is FREE, Indeed; it cost you nothing to close your eyes, any time, any where, and go to your place of divine rest within your mind, body, soul and spirit; how is your life manifesting this core tenet within God's divine order?
- Moses commanded REST for the Egyptian slaves in the bible parable; Rest to Restore and Rise to Receive God's divine health to wealth abundance, in your own unique situation in life, where you are planted on this earthly planet; does your life manifest this core tenet daily? is it destructive or divine?
- Taking Sleeping Pills and other Rest altering peoples, places and things to achieve an "illusion" of "deep rest" of the mind, body, soul and spirit, as prescribed by earthly human beings; is deceptive destructive; how are you teaching and leading your children to recognize this behavior within their own external daily environments, as they interact? are you paying attention?
- When was the last time you actually sat in the presence of a "sovereign divine Rested" person, place or thing on this planet earth? how did you feel in the presence? was it uplifting or did it weigh you down? do you understand the difference and how to apply it to your own daily life?
- Did you Rest last night or sleep; and do you understand the difference and how to choose wisely, goodly?
- When Jesus shows up at your home, will you silently rest at his feet as Mary did in parable or will you be "too busy" racing to impress and accommodate as Martha? do you know?
Let's start there: Learn how to Retain it. Sustain it. Evolve it. Grow it for Family Generations to Come as God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order requires within God's Rest blessings HERE on EARTH;
- Remember, God is DOING a NEW Thing, Today, in Heaven and in Earth; just as he said he would. Are you paying attention? Are you in his sovereign divine Rest blessings and lessons today?
- Our Gift of Our Rest is God's Gift to You and Me and What we Do with Our Gift of Our Rest is Our Gift Back to God; where do you stand?
- The Good News is: God Gave you and me, FREE WILL, to CHOOSE; so let's Choose Wisely!!!
- Yes, Become The Empowered Rest *TEREST*, heaven's way!
in love and light,
Phrantceena Thate Halres
You may follow her on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook
N Joy Our Messages in Music below on this 06 day of August 2018
- the wicked shall cease from troubling, the weary will be at rest, messaged in music by our legendary Dorothy Norwood and Jessie Dixon, Edgar O'neal & choir, listen in and be blessed
- Sound of Silence, messaged in music, by our gifted and talented Simon & Garfunkel duet, listen in and be blessed
- Its Your Time, messaged in music, by our gifted and talented, Luther Barnes and the Sunset Jublilaires, listen in and be blessed
- This is the Day that the Lord has Made, messaged in music by PlanetShakers, listen in and be blessed
Be the Rest, reverently sovereign divine!
- Show someone else HOW to Divinely Receive God's Kingdom Rest and embrace their own beautiful sovereign divine Rest within themselves;
- as we work together individually and collectively to Pass it On and Pay it Forward for our children, grandchildren and next generation within our Family, today;
- hold our heavenly father accountable, as he ask us to do, to fulfill his Word promise(s) to you and me, through his son Jesus, within his sovereign divine Kingdom Rest order,
- in a sustained abundance of health and wealth today and generations to come;
- We must Restore God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order within Our Rest, within, first and then BE it for our children to SEE God's Kingdom manifested in our lives, today; as
- We Give God all the Glory and Honor for doing what he said he would do, through his son Jesus, for his Kingdom Children, today on this planet earth. Amen and Ameen PtH
on this 06 day of August 2018
Small Business Owner at 1 God Revealed In All Things
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SSP for the PPT
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Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
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