Restoring God's Sovereign Power & Divine Order within Our Relationship, The Empowered Relationship *TERELA* Lady Phrantceena Opines 28 April 2018
Phrantceena Halres
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
Have you seen, heard, touched, smelled, tasted, sensed Sovereign Divine Relationship Lately?
Will you recognize it when it shows up?
- Does your life today manifest in placing God First abundance? What does your own relation with God reflect in your daily life? Is it Healthy as God divinely orders or is it someone else's relation you have chosen to emulate and do you know the difference?
- How are you nurturing and growing your daily relation with God First? are you aware? what does your life manifest and look like today, as a result? what are others learning by your example within the home, the workplace, the community, are you aware?
- Once you have established that real personal relationship between you and our Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God; then he requires that we learn to LOVE ourselves, as HE He Loves US; so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins and return to him white as snow and today sitting by our Father on the Throne- Do you LOVE GOD, then you must LEARN TO LOVE YOU, healthy, as God's divine order requires.
- (Did you know: most people do not love God so they can never love themselves or vice versa don't like themselves therefore cannot form healthy relation with others; and when they don't love themselves it manifests in the external worlds in work, play, worship, say, etc.); What does the relation of your own children look like, sound like, feel like within your home first? are you paying attention?
what did Jesus teach us about our Relation?
How are you teaching your own children that Relations within God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order manifests in them living everyday amongst "wolves" often referred to as wolves in sheep clothing? are their relationships manifesting with the Wolves or the Sheeps, are you paying attention?
2nd; after we have established a healthy relationship with God; then, Our relationship with each other man and woman was designed and created by God, for sustained health and wealth in the abundance of God's glory; are you aware? How are you teaching your children this most important principle within the home?
The Manifestations of and in our Lives (be it good or bad) are a reflection of what is going on in the "Home Life" of all humans; are you aware? What are others learning as a result of your daily manifestations, regardless of what you may say - the actions speak so loud they cannot hear your words? do you know?
How are you teaching your children this most important principle within God's Sovereign Power & Divine Order regarding our Relation with others? What are their own lives manifesting as a result of learning from your example within the home? Are you paying attention? are their "relations" with "darkness" unbelievers or with those of "lightof Jesus"-equally yoked? Do you know?
children's and parent relations within God's Divine Order, does your children's daily life manifest Ephesians 6 1-9 behavior within your own home? Are you paying attention?
additional reading materials for your quiet study time as you ponder the real relationships for which we are designed and created to BE by our Creator.
Happy Relation Journaling!!! on this 28 April 2018 (What is the VALUE of YOUR Relationships, do you know?)
- what can i do from where i am today in the blessings and lessons of God to restore God's sovereign power and divine order within my own Relation First and then to my personal private and public spaces and places;
- how am i teaching my children about their own divine relation? what are they learning as a result, are you paying attention?
- what does your own Relation Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit look like, sound like, smell like, taste like, feel like, sense like, do you know? What are others within your daily environment learning as a result? are you paying attention?
- what are the daily manifestations of your children's mind relation, body relation, soul relation, spirit relation, et. al., look like, sound like, smell like, taste like, are you aware?
- when are you modeling the behavior of "being equally yoked" amongst your children within your home, do you know? Are they observing YOU and YOUR OWN Relation with Yourself and YOUR Man or Woman within the Home as God's Divine Relation equally yoked OR Destructive Corrupted Relation with other man, woman, boy, girl,
- Do you have a space in your home for nurturing and restoring your own relation with God, everyday? what about your children, do they have their own space to nurture, restore and develop their own relationship with God, as he divinely orders?
- How are you teaching your children to ascertain the difference between Good Godly Healthy Relations vs. Bad Worldly Unhealthy Destructive Corrupt Evil Relations (even those "disguised as good and godly-as in the days of Sodom & Gomorrah)? What are their own lives manifesting as a result of their learnings from your own leadership example within the home first? the community? the job? the play? Are you paying attention?
- Who have you entrusted your own children's "relation" nurturing and development, radio, internet, texting, phones, videos, video games, illusions of characters like celebrities, preachers, teachers, coaches, cartoons, ads, et. al., whom are often represented as wolves in sheep clothing..ready to have "BAD Relations" with your children..... do you know? Are you paying attention? What are their own lives manifesting, today, as a result?
- When are you "modeling the behavior" within the home that God is FIRST and your own relationship nurture, development and growth with GOD and subsequent YOURSELF, within God's divine order; once that is Good and Solid and Manifesting daily; it is then and ONLY THEN will YOU be able to form and sustain good healthy relationships with and within the external environment of PEOPLE, PLACES and THINGS? What are they learning as a result of your leadership by example, do you know?
- Who's Teaching YOU about your own Relation, is it this secular corrupted world and its illusionist mental and physical profiteering, greed and false teaching trappings OR is it GOD First, in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (the "unseen intangible" world of our Creator) and his double-edged sword "THE WRITTEN WORD"? What are others learning as a result of your own Relation manifestations on the job, in the home, community, recreation, worship, et. al.? are you paying attention?
- who do you seek approval from for your Relation to, for and about yourself and others? Is it God or Man? do you know the difference? What does your life manifest as a result of your choice? Who are your children seeking their own approval from from their own Relation to for and about themselves and others? Is it God, divinely or Man, destructively?
- how are you teaching your children to have healthy divine relationships with their things (..i.e., pets, toys, computers, cars, trucks, money, et. al); their people (i.e., their friends, their teachers, their coaches, their counselors, and their places (i.e., places of worship, the zoo, their room, their pool, the holy land, et. al.); only after they have established a good healthy divine relationship with God, do you know? what are their lives manifesting as a result, are you aware?
Let's start there: Learn how to Retain it. Sustain it. Evolve it. Grow it for Family Generations to Come as God's Sovereign Power and Divine Order requires within God's Kingdom HERE on EARTH
- Remember, God is DOING a NEW Thing, Today, in Heaven and in Earth; just as he said he would. Are you paying attention? Are you in his sovereign divine Relation of blessings and lessons today?
- Our Gift of Our Relation is God's Gift to You and Me and What we Do with Our Gift of Our Relation is Our Gift Back to God; where do you stand?
- The Good News is: God Gave you and me, FREE WILL, to CHOOSE; so let's Choose Wisely!!!
- Yes, Become The Empowered Relation *TERELA*, heaven's way!
In love and light,
Phrantceena T. Halres
follower her on LinkedIn; Twitter and Facebook
NJoy our Message in Music by the gifted and talented Chris Tomlin reminding us of our most valued relation of all, the one we establish and grow with our heavenly father, God and how Great He is! Listen in and be blessed in YOUR own relation with God this week and always....
- Where do you worship? listen in and be blessed; working on you and God and your own divine relation.
Listen in to our gifted Leon Patillo as he reminds us so eloquently of how God created a Man and Woman in Relation to fulfill his sovereign divine glory here upon this earth; listen in and be blessed in your man woman relation today.. our children are watching.
How bout us? Listen in and be reminded and perhaps answer the question regarding your own relation with your chosen partner;
Is your own Relation manifesting LIGHT or Dark? do you know the difference? Our Relation, divinely, requires we shine our LIGHT from the "inside out" for Healthy Relations, listen in and be blessed...... Will you let your own light shine today in your relations?
- NJOY a special message in music from our most gifted and talented children from around the world sharing their message to us all, let's heal our world, starting at home first with our Relation with God, ourselves, then with other people for all cultures from places all over the world and things as God created it to be; Our children need us today for their tomorrow; listen in and be blessed to take action for the greater good in our relationships worldwide, today.
I AM, Phrantceena T. Halres, your writer. When you purchase boxes of her book to donate to a charity, all proceeds go to the Coach Tate National Educational Athletics Association Corporation, where Lady Phrantceena shares her ministry teachings for the children and family. Let's support our children and their future, may we count on you today to make a personal donation? You may go to to do so as you are led and guided by your own internal gps. We thank you in advance and wishing you all the best!!!
Let's make it a blessed week 29 April 2018 to May 5 2018........... It's time to Restore all of our "Relationships", divinely and Watch God Deliver HIS Promises to you in Abundance, as he said he would. Amen and Ameen.
SSP for the PPT
6 年Terrific as always ????????
Executive Director at Coach Tate National Education and Athletics Association Corporation, dba Coach Tate Foundation?
6 年A powerful expression of truth about our relations with everything quite intriguing and intellectually stimulating. Thank you Lady Phrantceena T. Halres for such an inspired rendering quite nicely presented giving us the action to free will choose ??????????
Executive Director at Coach Tate National Education and Athletics Association Corporation, dba Coach Tate Foundation?
6 年???????????????????????????
Executive Director at Coach Tate National Education and Athletics Association Corporation, dba Coach Tate Foundation?
6 年Gettin jiggly with the electric message stimulating music videos gotta variety even for our old school readers ??????????????????????????????????????????
Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.
6 年We all have these relations with people, places and things; now we must prioritize to ensure we are forming relationships on a "solid foundation". many thanks to each reader and your continued support and prayers. Amen and Ameen