Restoring God's Sovereign Order within Our Communication, The Empowered Communication *TECOMU" Lady Phrantceena Opines 04 February 2018

Restoring God's Sovereign Order within Our Communication, The Empowered Communication *TECOMU" Lady Phrantceena Opines 04 February 2018

Have you Heard, Seen, Touched, Smelled, Tasted, Sensed Sovereign Divine Communication Lately?

How are YOU Teaching YOUR Children about their OWN God-Given Divine Communications using their Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit? What are they Learning and Manifesting as a Result? do you know?

Will you recognize it when it shows up?

  • How do YOU Manifest in word and deed, silence and speaking these Non Verbal Communications within your daily environments as God divinely orders? What are other's learning as a result? do you know? (i.e., in that job interview in person or by skype, what are you communicating to a potential employer, investor or business partner, family, friend, et. al. do you know, how are you teaching your children?

What did Jesus teach us about Our Communication?

  • Have you Learned How to Communicate, in the Spirit, with God the almighty Creator? How are you teaching your children this most important "communication ability" as we embrace it within God's Sovereign Order? What are they learning as a result, do you know?
  • When God Communicates, he does so with a double-edged Sword, are you teaching your Children this most important principle within God's Sovereign Divine Order of Communication?
  • How are YOU communicating with God's Divine Creation amongst you daily, trees, flowers, earth, rain, fish, wildlife, birds, bees, the air you breathe, the clean fresh water you drink, et. al.?
  • Are you aware that God Communicates to Humans through his creation of nature?, he said i'll make a rock cry out....

James 1:19 Are you Quick to Listen, as God Divine Order Requires in our Communication? How are your leading by example this most important principle within your home? What are Your Children Learning as a result? do you know?

  • What does YOUR Communication Taste Like, is it seasoned with salt? Do you know?

Ephesians 4:29 What does your Communication Sound like? What does your Children's Communication Sound Like? Does it represent God's Divine Order?

  • Proverbs 12:18 How are you using your Words in Communication within YOUR Personal, Private and Public spaces and places?
  • Do they reflect the Divine Order of God?
  • What are YOUR Children Learning as a result of YOUR Manifestation of You in Your Words? Do you know?

Proverbs 15:2 Are your Communications manifesting God's Wisdom or Foolish Folly? What are you teaching your children and do you know what they are learning as a result of your leadership in the home?

  • Luke 19-40 Are You Communicating as God Divinely Orders or are You Keeping "Silent" about God's Truth and supporting a Lie? This is how Jesus reminds us of HIS Sovereign Order when there is Silence regarding HIS TRUTH...
  • Psalm 141:3; How are you teaching Your Children to "set guard" over their mouths? How are you leading by example within your home, your workplace, your community, your recreation, et. al? What are others learning as a result of your manifest ions? do you know?
  • How Healthy is Your Soul Communications? Do you know? How are you teaching your children the value of their "soul communication" abilities for which God divinely gifted them with? What are they learning?
  • What does YOUR Body Language Communicate within your daily environments? What are others Learning as a result?

  • What does your Mind Communicate when you Interact with others, do you know? Is it divine or destructive? What are your children manifesting at home with their Mind Communications?

What does YOUR Spirit Communication Feel Like? Do you know?

Happy Communication Journaling 2018!!!!


  1. What can I do from where I Am in the Blessings and Lessons of God to Restore God's Sovereign Divine Order within My OWN Communication First and then to my Man, My Woman, My children, my community, my work, my business, my worship, my play et. al.?
  2. How am I modeling the behavior in leadership by example as the head of my household to ensure my home base family Understands and Manifest God's Sovereign Divine Order within their DAILY Communications with God first, themselves, their family, friends, peers, teachers, coaches, counselors, advisers, et. al.?
  3. Is my home base environment reflect God's Divine Order with our Internal Communications? What are others within the home base Learning as a result of your behavior in words and deeds? Do you know?
  4. Communication is Compensation; are your children prepared to communicate themselves appropriately in their pursuit of learned and perceived compensation?
  5. What does YOUR Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit Communicate on a Daily Basis, do you know?
  6. What does your eyes, ears, mouth, touch, sense communicate within your personal, private and public spaces and places, do you know? What are others Learning as a result of your manifestations?
  7. When and Where does Your MOUTH, EYES and EARS Communicate Love, Hate, Peace, War; do you know?
  8. What does your Body Smells, Taste, Touch, Sound Communicate, do you know? Is it par fumed with someone else creation of smell good body scents? does it give the "aroma" of its natural essence utilizing natural plants and products to enhance the body's natural essence sense?
  9. What is your Body's Language Communicating within your personal, private and public places and spaces? Do you know what your are Manifesting and what others are Learning about you as a result of your own body language communications?
  10. Have you taken time to Learn what your children's body language is manifesting like within your home base, school, community, et. al.?
  11. what does your written and verbal communication look like?
  12. what does your smile communicate? what does your "eye" communicate?
  13. are you communicating YOUR Truth or Someone's LIE? do you know the difference?
  14. Are your children communicating a Truth or a Lie? Do you know what they are Manifesting in their personal, private and public spaces and places as a result?
  15. How do YOU understand and embrace the Sovereign Divine Communication skills and abilities of those that are Blind and Cannot See, physically? and spiritually? Do you know? How are you teaching your children this most important Divine Order of God?
  16. What does YOUR Silence Communicate about you? Do you know? What are others Learning as a Result of the Manifestation of YOUR Silence?
  17. When and How are you utilizing your NON Verbal Communication? How are you teaching your children to recognize and embrace their own God Given Non Verbal Communication Gifts and Talents? Do you know?
  18. Have you Learned How to have a "Healthy" Divine Communication with YOU?
  19. How are you teaching your children about their own SELF LOVE Communication? In order to truly LOVE Anyone or Anything External to Oneself, One Must First Learn to LOVE God First and themselves and cultivate and nurture that relationship in communication, daily!
  20. Have you Challenged Your Family to Communicate LOVE MONTH for themselves, as divinely ordered? get a massage and pampering done for YOU before you spend money on gifts to try and "buy" someone else's love?
  21. What does YOUR Art communicate? what are others learning as a result?
  22. What does YOUR Music communicate? do you know? what are others learning from your music? What does your sportsmanship communicate?

  • Let's start there and Learn how to Restore God's Sovereign Divine Order within our own Communication First and then to our internal and external environments to reap the harvest of our own God Given Communication Gifts restored Health, Wealth, Prosperity In Abundance.
  • Learn how to retain it, sustain it. grow it. evolve it for family generational outcomes in divine abundance, heaven's way.

Our Gift of Communication is God's Gift to You and Me and what You and Me do with Our Gift of Communication is Our Gift back to God. Where do you stand?

The Good News is God Gave you and me Free Will to Choose; so let's Choose Wisely!!!

Yes, Become The Empowered Communication *TECOMU*, heaven's way!!!

N Joy our Messages in Music as We Learn to "Communicate" in Sovereign Divine of our Heavenly Father who Created all things and peoples in heaven and earth to Communicate, divinely not destructively. Listen in and be blessed. Happy 2018

N Joy our beloved Stevie Wonder, born blind physically, yet communicates to the world his message of Love; How are You communicating YOUR Message of LOVE, daily, Today?

?Let's Make 2018 The Empowered Communication

in love and light,

Phrantceena Thate Halres

[email protected]: email

Phrantceena Halres

Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.

7 年

Amen and Ameen. Thanks to all.

Coach Tate National Educational Athletic Association Corporation

Executive Director at Coach Tate National Education and Athletics Association Corporation, dba Coach Tate Foundation?

7 年

What Refreshing Truth to Read. Fabulous writing in creative language of expression. Well done ????

Phrantceena Halres

Secrets & Protection, Strategies for National Security, New Book Release at Phrantceena T. Halres Co. Int'l Inc.

7 年

a Delightful Read, during halftime of super bowl LOL

Well done in writing a simple yet important part of our daily existence; in security communication is everything. thanks for sharing and yes Happy New Year.


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