Prevent Hearing Loss….Visit Audiologist & ND 

Omega-3 Fat Can Actually Protect Against Hearing Loss

  • Nutritional imbalances are increasingly thought to be a causative factor in hearing loss. Nutrients found to be beneficial for protecting and improving hearing are astaxanthin, vitamin A, folate, zinc and magnesium
  • Tinnitus, characterized by a chronic or near-chronic ringing in the ears, may be improved by folate (vitamin B9). Astaxanthin may also raise your chances of recovery from noise-induced hearing loss
  • Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) —the cause of which is unknown -- can be improved or reversed by zinc or intravenous magnesium

You're probably aware that certain nutrients can support optimal vision, but did you know your hearing may benefit from certain foods as well? If you have trouble hearing, or notice that your hearing is not as good as it used to be, your diet may hold the answer.

Just how important nutrition is to your ears — and how some people are actually reversing their hearing loss.

In fact, nutritional imbalances are increasingly thought to be a causative factor in hearing loss.

 Age-related hearing loss is actually not due to any kind of mechanical dysfunction in your ear. Rather it's how your brain processes information that results in reduced hearing.

N-acetyl cysteine helps repair the ear damage caused by loud noises. Second, N-acetyl cysteine boosts the body’s production of an important antioxidant called glutathione. Studies show that people with hearing problems tend to have low glutathione. And N-acetyl boosts glutathione levels. 

Repair  Damaged Inner Ear Cells and Improves Your Range Of Hearing

It’s a combination of two remarkable nutrients, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that’s made in the body, and is found in every cell.

Folate May Improve Tinnitus

For noise-induced tinnitus, which is characterized by a chronic or near-chronic ringing in the ears, folate (vitamin B9), has been shown to be beneficial. Folate also lowers your homocysteine, and having a high blood level of homocysteine has been linked to age-related hearing loss.

Other causes of tinnitus include: Head blows. High doses of certain drugs such as aspirin. Stress. Compressed cerumen. Middle ear infections. Age. Meniéré's disease. Cranial trauma. Perilymph fistula (a hole in the inner ear that allows fluid to escape). Certain types of tumors. Mandibular dysfunction

As a general rule, the ideal way to raise your folate levels is to eat plenty of fresh, raw and organic leafy green vegetables. Folic acid is the synthetic form typically found in supplements.

There is good reason to consider getting your folate from food rather than folic acid supplements. In order for folic acid to be of use to your body, it must first be activated into its biologically active form — L-5-MTHF. This is the form that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Zinc may be useful for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). SSNHL .

The good news is that 47 to 63 percent of those affected end up recovering most or all of their hearing. While the cause for SSNHL is unknown, one theory is that a viral infection or immunologic disease is involved. This may help explain the high rate of recovery, and why zinc appears to be so beneficial for this condition.

Antibiotics can diminish your hearing, but initially it's in the high frequency range, so you don't notice it. With time, most recover, but for 25% of the  population, with a certain defective gene, you may not bounce back. It accumulates, and you start to notice when losing the lower "voice" frequencies, but by then your ENT will probably blame it on aging. 

Hearing loss is also a natural consequence of aging. Hearing capacity worsens from the age of 30-40 and by the age of 80, more than half of people suffer from significant hearing loss. Hearing loss can be caused by illness, infection, or drug use. It can be hereditary, or as a result of physical damage to the ears or severe head injuries.

CONDUCTIVE hearing loss occurs when something prevents sound waves from flowing into the inner ear. This can occur for a variety of problems, including earwax accumulation, infection, fluid in the middle ear (ear infection or otitis media) or by perforation of the eardrum.

NEUROSENSORY or perceptual (nerve) hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve or hair cells of the inner ear (cochlea) are damaged by age, noise, disease, injury, infection, encephalocranial trauma, toxic medications, or An inherited condition.

Natural remedies can resolve the temporary loss of hearing caused by ear wax, ear infection, changes in pressure on airline passengers or changes in altitude, blows and trauma to the ear. These remedies work to:




1. GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT. Poor circulation in the brain can cause dizziness, memory problems, lack of concentration, loss, tinnitus, vertigo and a number of other hearing conditions. Studies have shown that Ginkgo extract can improve circulation in the brain and help prevent rupture of blood vessels.

 2.THE MACERATED GARLIC: drops are mixed by mixing the garlic juice with 50% almond juice and a drop is inserted into the ear. The great antibiotic and antibacterial virtues help the deaf for infectious reasons. 

 3. MARJORAM. It is known for lowering your blood pressure and anti-arteriosclerotic properties. Therefore, if your hearing loss is due to poor circulation in the ear, marjoram might be helpful. Help with earaches too.

4. APPLE CIDER. Apple cider vinegar is rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc and manganese. Deficiency in any of these minerals can cause problems with hearing.

5.ONION. Treatment with antioxidants could reduce cochlear damage and hearing loss. They are derived from onions and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Antioxidants worked by significantly reducing the loss of hair cells in the ear. The onion can be used as natural remedy changes in air pressure. It can also be a home remedy for middle ear infections in children.

Continued exposure to noise of 85 decibels or more will eventually destroy these fragile hair cells in your inner ear that convert sound vibrations into nerve impulses -- the basis of hearing. The volume of portable compact disc players ranges between 91 and 121 decibels, and earphones increase the volume. The louder the noise, the quicker the hearing loss.

For instance, 100-decibel stereo headphones can cause harm in two hours, and a 120-decibel rock concert damages the ears in only 7.5 minutes. So, using an inexpensive set of ear plugs during loud noise activities is your first step to prevent damage that is not related to the physical process of aging.

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Enjoy the Sound.


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