Restore Order with A Pre-Holiday Toy Purge

Tips for a Pre-Holiday Toy Purge

Toys here, toys there, toys everywhere. Playthings certainly have a way of piling up. If your home has become overrun with a torrent of toys, it’s the perfect time for a Pre-Holiday Toy Purge! In fact, you should make it a family habit to pare things down before any gift-giving event… for the sake of everyone’s sanity.

On top of clearing the chaos and clutter, there’s another important reason to purge regularly. Many kids get overwhelmed and find it difficult to focus when their environment is inhabited by too many playthings. Clutter can stifle a kid’s imagination and their ability to get immersed in creative play. By helping your children edit their toys, they will be unburdened by their stuff and free to be more creative, cooperative, and resourceful. (This applies to adults’ stuff too!)

Benefits of a Pre-Holiday Toy Purge:

  • Teaches kids kindness, compassion, and empathy
  • Benefits those less fortunate
  • Brings joy to other children
  • Gives toys a second life and keeps them out of landfills
  • Allows you to support a local charity
  • Exemplifies the spirit of the season
  • Reclaims your playroom or living space

Here are easy steps for a productive Pre-Holiday Toy Purge:

Involve Your Kids

While it’s tempting to want to purge toys while the kids aren’t home, it’s important to get them involved. Your kids should have the opportunity to voice their opinion and make decisions about their toys. They may have sentimental attachments you’re not aware of. It may make the process a little longer, but it’s important for them to have a say.

Have a Pre-purge Pep Talk

Prepare kids in advance by explaining the purpose of the purge several days before it begins. When children are prepared, they are better able to handle their emotions. Explain all the reasons you want to declutter. “We’re making room for new toys you may receive during the holidays” can often ease the pain of giving things away. It can even get kids excited to help.

Have Patience

If your child struggles with letting things go, break the process into several sessions and tackle one space at a time. Have them start by selecting things they no longer play with or have outgrown. Ask: Have you used this in the last year? Will you ever use it again? Is it appropriate for your age? Do we have something similar that serves the same purpose? Do you really love it? You can also ask yourself: Would I buy this for my child today? Does it fit in our home? Am I keeping it only because it was expensive? Am I keeping it only for sentimental reasons?

Choose the Beneficiaries

Discuss beforehand what you will do with the things you are letting go. Will you donate them to a charity or pass them on to another family? Use this opportunity to instill in your kids the values of recycling and being charitable. Research organizations together and let your kids have a say in where to donate their toys. You can consider thrift stores, church groups, homeless shelters, or a family in need.

Set a Quota

Depending on how much clutter you want to clear, you should designate a specific number of toys your kids need to give away. A minimum of 10 is recommended to start, but the number could be much higher depending on the number of toys in your home.

Review Selections

Once your kids have made their selections, use the opportunity to teach them the process for donating versus discarding toys. While donating is noble, giving away broken or dirty toys is not. Look over the toys together. Donate them only if they are clean, contain all pieces and components, and are in working order. Discard them if they are dirty, torn or have broken or missing parts. When in doubt, ask yourself: “Would I give this toy to my own child?”

Wash Stuffed Animals

As a courtesy to the new owner, wash stuffed animals before donating them:

1.     Place animals in a mesh laundry bag and wash them on “gentle” using mild detergent.

2.     Hang them to air dry.

3.     If the tag prohibits machine washing, use a damp cloth with dish soap. If you can’t restore it to like-new condition, discard it.

4.     Never machine wash stuffed toys with battery packs that can’t be removed, are decorated with sequins or glued-on elements, or are stuffed with small foam balls.

5.     Combine the animals and some dryer sheets in the dryer for 5-10 minutes on “air dry” for a final fluff.

Remove the Selected Toys

At your earliest opportunity, transport the toys you’re removing from your home to their new location: your designated charity, a new family, or the trash.

There is no reason to keep toys that no longer serve a purpose in your home. By following our Pre-Holiday Toy Purge plan of attack, you’ll lessen the insanity of the season and get your home clutter-free and holiday ready.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider calling in a Professional Organizer. We won’t judge and genuinely want to help restore order. Professional Organizers who are members of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) are bound by NAPO’s Code of Ethics for professional conduct. As such, we are committed to serving our clients with integrity, competence, objectivity, and confidentiality, while treating them with respect and courtesy.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary phone consultation. Learn more about us and read our Testimonials. (973) 957-7755 ● [email protected]


ARRANGED, LLC is a professional organizing company with a passion for helping people and businesses better manage their space, belongings, and time. Professionally organizing your environment provides a liberating sense of clarity that inspires creativity… fuels focus and productivity… and empowers you to live a richer, more rewarding life. When you partner with ARRANGED, our impeccable planning, detailed coordination, and excellent execution ensure your vision is achieved.

Jaime Stafford

St Luke's University Health Network

4 年

Great article Dana!!!

Jennifer Vargas

Strategic Communications Leadership

4 年

We did this all weekend, and I almost texted you TWICE for advice. ?We are never done, and I am bookmarking this post!?

Kandace Sparks

A highly accomplished and resourceful professional with extensive experience delivering operational support to executive leadership while seamlessly executing core business operations.

4 年

Where do I sign up?? I have a 7 year old toy hoarder! ????


