The Monitoring Stack as a Microservice

The Monitoring Stack as a Microservice

In this topic we will discuss a Monitoring Pattern that goes with the devops tool chain to make your devops busy day's easyer intressting and challenging.

OLD Pattern :

New Pattern :

With new challanges like hybrid cloud pattern i've had to update the pattern by using Kafka as event broker to send event to Shinken and Elasticsearch and manage the notification and alerts dispatching.

Disclamer : Supervision and monitoring terms are interchangeable in this topic.

Devs : " Get rid of sending an excel sheet with information to the ops monitoring guy to get your host/service monitored with an assumed margin of humain erreur."
Ops : "Get rid of adding a bunch of hosts generating alarm that blinks like a christmas tree, caused by montoring ghost hosts that dosen't exit yet or hosts in to be deployed status. "

Wouldn't be simple to send in time, a JSON request once and notify the whole monitoring system to welcome warmly the fresh new deployed app, or remove magically the old one.

Indeed, it could be nice and very efficient to send a JSON request to a system that register my new application, container or service. it's seem like a technology comming from space but it's not, at my current compagny Euronext, we build a system that makes the ops worklife easy by managing the monitoring infrastructure only and enjoying the autopilot mode.

This simple request is enough to get you straightfroward to desired state :

 "use" : "linux-ssh",
 "contact_groups": "admins",
 "host_name" : "Mesos-Agent007",
 "address" : "10.0.X.X",
 "hostgroups" : "MESOS",
  "_SSH_KEY" : ".ssh/id_rsa",
  "_SSH_USER" : "bbiswatchingyou" 

Once the rest api get the request, it's able to do the work and the magic happens:

1 - Is this information correct ? :

 "host_name" : "Mesos-Agent007",
 "address" : "10.0.X.X"

The api is smart enough to quickly decide wether this host could be registred or not by :

  • Checking if the DNS registry is aware about this host
  • Doing a simple ping to check if the host system is Up

2 - Following the supervision template :

you may notice the first line indicate to the monitoring system to pic the appropriate pattern to use :

"use" : "linux-ssh",

We did write a couple of template to cover the common monitoring use cases.

The linux-ssh tells the API that this system is in Agentless mode (Thanks to Shinken (The nagios fork) , so SSH protocole is engouh to monitor, no need to install and configure an NRPE agent or collectD or a telegraph on the target system.

Here again the system will process to the next level of tests. Testing the ssh connexion, if the sshd is not misconfigured or the ssh key is invalid, you'll got a nice error message from the API with a 471 HTTP code : expectation failed.

3 - Adding the host/service :

If the step 2 succeed, the host is associated with the described group, following the previous example :

"hostgroups" : "MESOS"?

a monitoring groupe called MESOS will be created (if not exist) and the new host is associated to.

Conclusion : This solution responds to many use case mainly in a on growing environment, wether your looking for monitoring :

- A big hadoop cluster that keep growing.

- A set of ephemeral virtual machine, containers used for testing purpose Q&A.

This solution is for you

Hope this paper inspire you to improve your existing monitoring platform.

Waiting for your feed back, please leave a comment.

src : Github repository


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