RESTful API Testing in Java with Mockito (Service Layer)
Mockito is a popular Java library used for creating and working with mock objects in unit testing. It allows you to simulate the behavior of real objects or dependencies (such as database access, external services, or complex classes) so that you can test your code in isolation. Mockito makes it easier to write unit tests by providing methods to create mock objects, define their behavior, and verify interactions with those mock objects during testing. It’s commonly used in combination with testing frameworks like JUnit to write effective and reliable unit tests for Java applications.
I will use the initial branch of a Maven-Spring Boot project that you can access at this link, for the implementation of Mockito and JUnit5, using IntelliJ IDEA as the IDE. You can download the project and follow the step-by-step instructions in the article to add the necessary code to your project.
I would like to begin by explaining some existing code in the project. If you prefer to dive straight into the implementation, you can follow this link.