POWERHOUSE Logistics Pty. Ltd.
100% Australian-owned & operated SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT organisation offering "tailor made" FREIGHT & CUSTOMS SOLUTIONS
Take a look at this fully installed Sushi Train delivered via Hiab Crane Truck, by Powerhouse Logistics on behalf of SUSHI RESTAURANT SYSTEMS.
A location completing a new renovation of their restaurant which needed the above equipment ASAP, so not to keep their customers craving Sushi for too much longer.
Thanks to the Powerhouse Logistics Team and their swift efforts, which once they were involved, jumped into action and had this shipment Customs Cleared and delivered with time to spare, so this could be installed in time for the actual grand opening.
Whether it is cartons of nails or oversize crates of machinery such as this, and anything in-between, Powerhouse Logistics are your GO TO Freight Forwarder tailored to any import or export needs you have.