By?James Levin?|?Dec 25, 2023? ?
?Something we all need and as I talk to many, something we don’t get enough of.
But consider this: There are so many ways to measure REST. Can consider a vacation, creating some downtime, look for a moment to kick back and RELAX. Maybe you just ‘dial it down’ and take a PAUSE. Perhaps a nap will do. Whatever view of REST you take, look for ways to de-stress. But make time and take a BREAK. It’s good for the head, heart, and soul.
It will make the REST of your life healthier, more fulfilling. There are great rewards in REST and there is no REST for the weary.
We all need a REST STOP; A place to refuel and reflect. REST assured, in the long run you will distinguish yourself and stand out from the REST.
Never REST on your laurels – Always look for ways to improve. When things get the best of you, try, and let it REST.
Even a RESTROOM provides a space to find relief!
As we slip into the New Year, look for a way to recharge your batteries. Every day is the first day of the REST of your life and the REST is history.
Happy and Healthy to you all. I REST my case.