REST API Level Best: 31 Tips That Make APIs Easy to Use
Brought to you by Martin Bla?evi?

REST API Level Best: 31 Tips That Make APIs Easy to Use

After three years of drafting, one year of writing, four years of revising, and two years of editing, I have finally completed my blog – REST Level: Best.

In this article, we’ll focus on REST API development and write down a set of tips that will, if implemented correctly, make our REST APIs explained, easy to use, consistent, and intuitive.

When discussing the APIs, it’s important to remember that they are not only technical interfaces for software. By creating well-designed APIs we are practicing the Art of Communication. Whether we are building internal, for components within our organization, or public ones, for third-party use, our REST APIs will sooner or later be consumed by other developers. That’s why they need to be simple and accessible but at the same time stable and standardized.

A tool that could help us evaluate the quality of RESTful API design is Richardson Maturity Model. In short, The RMM was proposed by Leonard Richardson, and it promotes three levels of API maturity, based on its support for Resources, HTTP Verbs, and Hypermedia Controls. It is useful for learning about the concepts of REST, but we will combine it with a set of design tips that will help our APIs achieve the highest maturity levels of the model.

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