Responsible Care?: A Longstanding Partnership

Responsible Care?: A Longstanding Partnership

Trinity Industries’ rail-related products and services are marketed under the trade name TrinityRail?. TrinityRail remains committed to rail solutions that deliver goods safely, efficiently, and sustainably. Since 2010, Trinity has been a Responsible Care? partner within the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a reflection of Trinity’s commitment to the health and safety of our employees, the communities in which we operate and the environment as a whole. Since its inception in 1988 by the ACC, Responsible Care has spearheaded a comprehensive approach to enhancing facilities, processes, and products.

Responsible Care partners must undergo self-assessments and third-party audits to confirm adherence to the Responsible Care Management System (RC14001). Trinity also holds certificates of registration for the ISO 45001 (Safety) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) standards for our railcar production and maintenance facilities in the U.S. and Mexico, as well as the corporate headquarters, as confirmed by an independent auditor. Trinity is the first railcar manufacturer in North America to be certified to the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.

In 2022, Responsible Care presented Trinity with three awards for efforts in safety and sustainability. The 2022 Product Safety Award was granted to the Trinity Hourglass? Autorack, which recognizes several companies for continuous improvement in product safety.

Trinity also received the 2022 award for Waste Minimization, Reuse, and Recycling which is presented to various companies for efforts in evaluating low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) options to reduce VOC emissions. Trinity is also an American Chemistry Council Responsible Care Facility Safety Award Winner, recognizing our employee health and safety performance.

Operated by 12 guiding principles, Responsible Care remains committed to fostering ethical leadership for societal, economic, and environmental advancement. These principles underscore the importance of safe operations, risk mitigation, and resource preservation at all stages of the product life cycle. Additionally, the initiative actively engages stakeholders, promotes regulatory compliance, and strives for continuous enhancement in the Responsible Care Management System.

To learn more about Responsible Care, visit


