I wrote about this subject 4 years ago and it deserves another look. Back then I only used the Forum/EST Training definition. Here is part of it.
Responsibility starts with the willingness to experience your Self as cause in the matter. Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt… Responsibility starts with the willingness to deal with a situation from and with the point of view, whether in the moment realized or not, that you are the source of what you are, what you do, and what you have.
Here is what the Webster dictionary has to say.
Definition of responsible
(1): liable to be called to account as the primary cause
(2): being the cause or explanation
2a: able to choose for oneself between right and wrong
From a Kabbalistic Spirituality point of view, we hear:
In the moments we experience chaos, do we ask ourselves what we did to create this situation? Most of us still want to blame others for whatever chaos we are going through. we must take advantage of every moment, by accepting responsibility for our past actions and closing that chapter of our lives. We need to take responsibility for our actions and all that comes as a consequence of them. If we can just take responsibility for all our actions, then we will open gates of abundance that have never been opened before.
I am all for abundance but from a day to day point of view all of these definitions/explanations have the exact same underlying word…CAUSE. If you are willing to accept that what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen in the future is based on you and you past and present actions then you open a whole new possibility and wonderful way of life for you and those around you.
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