It appears to me that the sense of responsibility flows from the central truth that there really is only one life, one consciousness and one soul. With this recognition, it is obvious that there are many levels and directions of response ability. Being a cell in a greater being implies that we have a direct responsibility to the greater being, because our health and actual existence is part of this greater being, and we contribute our portion to the health and well being of the greater. Our fellow humans, then become fellow cells and their health and well being are also our concern because they, too, contribute to the greater. Even as we expect the cells in our body to be healthy and contribute to our well being, at the same time we are responsible for the health and well being of our cells. The environment, the planet itself, the lower kingdoms, all being part of the greater become our responsibility also. So in practical application, I have to relate to others as “fellow cells”, travelers on the way, and always attempt to give the love and respect to be accorded a Son of God to everyone I meet. I cherish the love and devotion accorded me by my cats and dogs and provide for them the best I know how. Keeping the environment as clean and pristine as possible becomes important and leads me to living simply with as little impact on resources as possible.
(Reflections by Arcane School students on the Life of Discipleship)