RESPONSE TO "I AM A DEI" Post: Justin Samuelson 2 13 2025

RESPONSE TO "I AM A DEI" Post: Justin Samuelson 2 13 2025

Mr. Samuelson's reply to my post as copied from 2/12/25:

"It’s illegal why should certain races be promoted at work and isn’t that embarrassing for everyone? Are we children or can we go to work without you shoving your skin color down my throat to use as an advantage to getting jobs over me. Stop expecting special treatment"

Greetings, Mr. Samuelson

Good afternoon. I’m sorry for the delay. I hope you are doing well today! Thank you for your response from yesterday in reference to my topic on “I am a DEI.”

I am choosing to address your response to my post yesterday in a followup post. Your response was quite impactful and worthy, in my opinion of a little more of a response than LinkedIn allows for a response.

It is Unfair/Discriminatory I Agree With You!

First of all, I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to job promotions. NO ONE should be promoted over someone else strictly because of the color of their skin! But don't stop there!

I believe that you and I agree that no one should be promoted over someone else if they are not qualified for the position. If you agree, then we are more alike than we are different. ?I can't speak for all Black people, but isn’t it a case for shoving the color of our skin down our own throats if we are referred to disparagingly as a "DEI Hire" without knowing us personally, or our qualifications?

Mr. Samueleson, if you have been referred to in that fashion, then you understand what it is we are going through as Black people. Race should not have ever been a determining factor. But that is why we are here, correct me if I am wrong. If you have gone through similar situations, I feel your pain. I just ask that you show us some empathy as well. It is awful, to say the least.

The Historical Indifference to Black Skin

Mr. Samuelson,

Did America have a war over the color of your family’s skin as a slave?

  • Was a law passed to ensure your right to vote as an American because of the color of your skin?
  • Are your voting rights at stake because of the color of your skin?
  • Do people choose not to live next to you because of the color of your skin?
  • Are you often pulled over by police when no valid reason can be articulated?

If any of these situations have happened to you constantly, then I feel your pain as someone who has had to deal with similar circumstances throughout my life. It is terrible, isn’t It? If you have experienced these situations, you can understand how having your own skin shoved down your throat is just as bad, if not worse if someone suggests that you are shoving the color of your skin down their throat. It’s unimaginable either way, don’t you agree? When will this madness stop?


I don’t know what you are doing about racism, but I am doing my part to eliminate negative branding of others because of the color of their.?Starting with “DEI Hire”. ?That’s where you came in. You are welcome to adopt the positive branding that I suggested, (see my charts) or consider other options. You can eliminate being in this position of annoyance with the color of our skin when it comes to discussing Black History by taking a stand against the targeting of people of color because they are different from you (in general). Ask yourself: “What can I do to make a difference?”

Being annoyed by the fact that Black Americans celebrate their heritage does not give positive vibes that we are in the same boat. It suggests that you are blaming the victims of racism for being Black. If you have suffered discrimination in promotions, then you should understand as much as anyone that two wrongs don't make a right. You don't have to play the victim. You can be the victor by helping to change our society that seems to thrive on hatred and discrimination rather than making a way to build up one another for a better tomorrow.

If that is not your intention to appear annoyed, be aware that's how I perceived it. What are you going to do stop discrimination in general, not just against you but for the good of all?

Thanks for your comments. I do wish you and your family the very best that life has to offer. #continuedsuccess





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