Response to  Denise Jarvis

Response to Denise Jarvis

Denise Jarvis 9:48am 9/12/15

Good morning Facebook. Lately I have been getting lots of friend request from people who is unknown to me. Let me make myself clear. If I personally do not know you , I will not be accepting your request. Because we share the same friends does not make us friends. Just in case you simply just trying to get on my Facebook to be nosey. " GO GET YOUR LIFE"

Sheval Anthony Smith Denise Jarvis.

Sept 12, 2015

Response to
Denise Jarvis

A Great Change For All To Rise Out of Principalities go Global and Omnipresent. - The Kingdoms of Man becoming the Kingdom of God. We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, against powers,  against spiritual wickedness in high place - the ruler- ship of the dark age”       passing! In the name of Jesus   passing!    Gone is Jamaica and every other principalities flag`ism with its boundary extortions and loot taxes to finance USURY plunder of Net suckers of Cow`ISM.  Now the true sky will pour down its righteousness.

 All good things come from God.

Facebook can deliver to each of us the ability to be in-touch with everyone else on the earth (all 7.3 to beyond 73.0 billion) with just a post. World changer possibilities with increasing ease. Being too “served by all - 7.3 to beyond 73.0 billion.” Even knowing every detail of all. That is like at least 7.3 billion CNN, but these ae better for they are interactive, and ( I just wake us  20 hours after I start this piece and make this insert.) My people will stop perishing for lack of knowledge.This information is standing, can be revisited for reinforcement.  The end of certain boredom. Ascension is for real. way beyond no more low information people. Must be God kingdom come.  It is 5:19 am 9/13/15 I could go back to sleep. We surely can do wonders and signs for low to no cost, Hope you all get my ebooks though. Hope we can make God be well pleased to enable us doing "peace be still through Planet 7X encounter and even better bring and go beyond time end in this direction correcting all the evil effect since the fall of Lucifer (In knowing sin) with all his 1/3 fallen angels and all man all creation and omnipresence system restored to working for Good in Great Glory Nemesis system included.   All Christ Jesus one fold established (as living Souls including Viking Lord of Thunder Thor Greece ZEus, all the anunnaki living Souls none a slavers- but strong to infinity like  arch Angel Michael able to go around the earth 7  1/2 times in  1 seconds and more even you and I ) in one fold every thing that had breath one in the Spirit and all things working together for Good all ever pressing to the infinity High mark of our calling in Christ Jesus. Lovers of God more than lovers of pleasure. All His righteousness Ever a JEDi, God kingdom come His will being done.

Jesus says the greatest among us is he/she (the least) who "Serve all."

God is no respecter of person; in fact he predestined all of us to do that and more. Let us loose it happening on earth now through Planet 7X and the beyond - everlasting.

Love endureth all things, hopeth all things and doeth all things. Even manifesting True Godliness that does not deny the Power their of  God confirming with Economics wonders and signs- prosperity and Good health unto eternal life even through Planet 7X.

We shouldn't bug out ourselves and others from the great possibilities of This Information Age. Welcome strangers for in so doing we entertain angels. And the scripture says The kingdom of God is not according to the measure of man but of angels.

{Man it defines by saying (1) in the last days man(male and female) shall be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (2) The hearts of man is desperately wicked there is none good.}

Rather be ... a Living Soul experiencing soul prosperity, enduring, hoping and doing Kingdom of God all his righteousness His will being done in infinity of ways in all our each and groups ways. Angels. Doing good and preaching the Gospel in even way beyond this -via device at our finger tips -to all the earth in infinity of ways ever a JEDi:-

Share with all your connections to infinity to show the direction of your care.

One Facebook response


Miklós Dezs? Vincze What a bunch of bullcrap! DWL, endureth, hopeth, doeth? We are no longer in Shakespeare's time so you can use current English!

Sheval Anthony Smith Miklo's Dezso Vincze, I happen to follow JESUS, not quoting chapter and verse; Just go for the appropriate blast of the present and the past I am sure you will not deny that the word of God is eternal, immortal and invincible. There is no voice or language where it is not heard; and that in this this overall response to Denise Jarvis The 'eth' words quickens 'life emerging in abundance' to all and their connections to the nth degree - who hear the response. We welcome the information age by enduring what is not really inconvenience, with longsuffering and patience ,all the joys of the Lord and fruits of the Spirit. Better to have these overcoming the snares of BABYLON MOTHERS OF HARLOTS AND THE ABOMINATIONS OF The EARTH. That should make you feel better into the Kingdom, The enabler the Holy Ghost to all . To Greater Glory I hope. Chief

Corner Stone.

 Check it out in sample reading by clicking green cover at…

 And be updated on critical earth realities:- and

Even Jamaica realities by the craving to be exalted ones past and (Which) present now vying politicians? :-

Share with all your connections to infinity to show the direction of your care.

 Michael Charlie Brown Mckenzie   I am only going to take one point Sheval Anthony Smith, to prove that what you are claiming is not true. "It is His wish that none should perish" let us examine that claim by God. God has two options here, Option 1, wait until we die, at which point we would have no choice but to believe Heaven and hell are real, and then decide where we want to go. OR Option 2, the present one, leave it to us to live by faith, with no evidence by which to make a judgement, to decide to go to Heaven or hell. Since Option 1, would lead to almost everyone deciding to go to Heaven, why would God choose Option 2 which assures most of us go to hell, or at least a greater number going to hell, IF His wish is for all to go to Heaven?

Sheval Anthony Smith Good that you and definitely me and hopefully all are considering these things. We do have basis for understanding and knowing evidence by which to make a judgement. Righteousness exalts a nation. sin brings reproach to any people. with 7.3 billions people on the earth there are thousands of 7.3 billion of choices we make each day effecting heaven on earth and hell on earth. We are not even allowed to have to reach into death to decide these things. Ok there is a numness in our experience that could have us go through 50 to 100 years oblivious/better put dead in tresspasses and sin. under peer pressure and generational curse of cultures that we choose to be weak and go against such tide. But I say wel come information age. and be thankfull for the work of remnabts over the millinium who made us all not completely dead in tresspasses and sin. Jesus strategy seems to be preach the word to all people. that is becoming increasing done. check out my ebooks and post. I am applying the word of God with my training in ecomomics and Financial management learned while becoming a Certified chartered Accountant after becoming a believing baptised since age 18 31 years ago. and against the odds of incubuss and succubus oppression, and many different oppression allwrking for good, I write from a experience and understanding perspective. Do learn to discern the thought that proceedeth from your fingers to social media reaching us. we can endure all things. like you saying I am wrong but I see you starting the process of growing in faith.- bringing all things into subjection of the work of God. Do watch Gil Broussard's Video presentation. He is just another young one of us using his broughtupsy testing even the things he learned proofing all things- however long it takes. but working with the things that gives him some assurance in spiritually discerned truth even scientifically done. You will have my and many others experience to decide in the many respects as you learn to discern what constitute the million of each of us ways per day. Jesus says in all your ways acknowledge him. We all must grow in being able to do that to infinity correctly. to have the basis to be fluent in dealing with these concerns you are dealing with. Read my books even like it is some mills and boom. You will be blessed. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness. they shall be filled. It at least take that much effort. And the Spirit of God - infinity of dimensions above what man is- search for any who eve try. That was how God choose Abraham. All who are like abraham are Abraham sons. are are to number like the grain of sands in omnipresence. Learn to be able to identify each of your thoughts. New ones, evolved ones. and discern which one is God and which ones id the devil. Make all God and you are on top of all things. Bringing all thing into subjection of the word of God. enable all to do it. for God need a critical mass of us doing this to correct all sin. and renew all things. Jesus baptise with holy ghost and fire. though US. That is just a 100% thoughts that are all God of increasing intensity.none the devil. Be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. a little leave leveneth the whole lump. A woman will expose her brest to one of holy fire to have them lust just to out the fire and make all luke worm. I have had e-friends who bring a prostitute just to achieve that. Insubussed and succubusses do same in dreams just to defile and hold in hell. If any cna just not be a pleasure goons all such things become evident in hard life experience. Growth realm count it all joy. Such intensity is the basis of the information ahead of us. the bible say in the last day man will be ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth. Knowledge of truth in the intensity of truth that is holy Ghost and fire. the devil in it will be the devil in a lake of fire. are you and much of humanity at current level of consciousness of the devil nature. The atmosphere is changing. the thoughts as they be more of prosperity and Good health nature will be hotter. Holy ghost and fire. Be perfectly Hot or cld but not luke worm. Scripture can you grow in such truth and not be luke word, Luke work cannot properly deal with coming Planet 7X. God look not at the outwards as man do but at the thoughts.

Sept 14, 2015.

Michael Charlie Brown Mckenzie Sheval Anthony Smith, stop misrepresenting what happened in the Garden of Eden, because God Himself tells us what happened in Genesis 3:22 "And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." It is as plain as day now, that God knew that when He was telling them not to eat from the tree of good and evil, that two things were true, when they ate from it they would get wiser, and they would live forever. And clearly He did not want them to be wiser or live forever, so much so, that He chased them out of the garden and put angels at the entrance, to stop them from coming back and trying to eat from the tree, Genesis 3:24.Also, the devil was in fact correct in saying that God was lying to them

Discern the meaning of man. The kingdom of God is not according to the measure of man but of Angels. As it was in the beginning So shall it be in the end. God blow breath of life into man nustril (like he is doing now- and by discernment we commencing loosing in all our thoughts and deeds issues of life Christ Jesus living through US. as Living Souls. Only living Souls ' be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." I am the WAy- The Truth and the (issues of ) Life. Jesus says Know ye not that the word you speak (or type) are spirits. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth -by the mind of christ or anti Christ- speak Out of the mouth or fingers comes issues of life(Christ Jesus) or issues of death (anti Christ Satan- the thief- Babylon mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth.

Do enabled your skills (living) at letting no corruption communication proceed from your mouth and deed by reading e books of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST Publication series # 3       # 2

Note  # 1 to be published soon.

Sales Promotion by free sample reading @ and 730 million Free copies First Fruits Sales Promotion in accordance with what is allowed by Amazon next due in late October 2015.  

Good material to to be armed with in loosing the governmental and social engineering of our borderless realities of our life on the earth.

 Sept 15, 2015.

Terry Hudson It could just be a simple allegory about evolution.

Sheval Anthony Smith  See inclusion to post for "Serve All" @ . here

True and like always God using the physical things of evolving creation to explain the things of the Spirit.which is even more important. showing man shall not live by bread (evolving creation) but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. These understanding shows how we are joint heirs and co creator with God. what ever we loose on earth, He loose in heaven. and We get the walking in the Spirit right we become Sons of God integral in the God Family. Let us make... whatever Smart phone space probe, internet, robotics. According to the scriptures we are to let all things work together for good. I thing the fallen angels Anunnaki were really fallen and impotent denying the power of godliness. Arch angel Michael could travel around the earth 7 1/2 times in a second. Though some fallen angels (Like Azazel) taught new humanity how to mind metal and form weapons leading to fighting tribes to mans great achievement-principalities nation states still fighting and practicing boundary extortions. all weakness of these fallen angels. Anunnaki first introduce Slavery to the Africa/Sumaria/ planet earth Such fallen culture still possess the Status Quo of Jamaica and most of the earth. Weakness dis-ease compared to Arch angel Michael. We now seem stronger than the Anunnaki then. We let industrialisation and technologies machinery do our work. more one with the word of God. Serve every thing that has breath as onto Christ Jesus. and let all things work together for good. Now we use electricity to fuel our transportation at less than 1/4 the cost of old technologies combustion. All good things come from God. Eyes have not seen nor has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God has instore for us. Infinity of Greater glory. Anunnaki culture of Sin must be cleansed from among us. Overcoming this will let us overcome Anunnaki Dark Age Spirit DNA adjustment to man making man man. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places, the rulership of the dark age. Serpentine and Anunnaki darkness up the ass of man. But Jesus is the true vine and we are his branches. The light of the world redeem from darkness.

Allegory are depictions of truth in particular focused issue from everlasting past to the time of allegory or myth. Jesus say for get the things of the pass and press on to the highmark of our calling. Yet all things work together for good to us ....





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MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development and Maintenance Services IN CHRIST (where Boundary extortion and loot taxes are brought to an end,) please join in breaking the Word asunder to agree and let us all serve the Lord with all our hearts. all 7.3 billion or 73 billion whatever it be. Let every thing that has breath Praise the Lord.  

Let us by his grace support and loose on the earth the policies and cultures that reflect the renewing of all us on the earth Minds to the Mind of Christ living through us bringing into existence "a no principalities earth to him one nation under God ... His Kingdom come his will being done," -Goodness and Light.                              

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