Responding Effectively to a Fire
César Pérez
Sistemas Especiales para Detección de Incendios por Aspiración, Humo y Calor de Grado Industrial | Por el #humo se sabe donde está el #fuego y gracias a #securiton evitamos el #incendio
When it comes to fire safety, knowledge of the location of a fire in a building is paramount to responding fire brigade services for effective search / rescue and targeted operation of the building’s fire safety systems i.e. ventilation, pressurization, annunciation, etc. It can be argued, that targeted manual and automated system intervention delivered in the early stages of a fire will enable an effective response to a fire event and prevent escalation to a threatening condition.
While alerting to a fire event in its early stages can be achieved with high sensitivity smoke detection systems; effective response – especially where business continuity and asset protection is desired – can only be achieved through reduced detection zones to assist with timely and targeted intervention.
This edition of D2P provides an overview of standards, current practices and system design options for the implementation of effective response with aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems.
From Code Requirements to Best Practice
Codes and standards stipulate the minimum requirements when designing fire detection systems:
Detection Sensitivity
While fire detection systems designed to prescriptive standards address occupant safety, they may not provide the performance required to protect critical assets or maintain business continuity. These cases can be addressed by performance-based standards, i.e. NFPA 76 recognises the importance of protecting data processing equipment and stipulates higher sensitivity settings for smoke detection systems to deliver protection and safeguard against thermal and smoke damage: VEWFD very early warning fire detection and EWFD early warning fire detection
Detection Zones
A system designer can consider reducing the detection (and alarm annunciation) zones to smaller compartments for timely and targeted fire mitigation activities to the area of fire interest. For example:
? Targeted power isolation of cabinets in an electrical switch room, server racks in data centers, etc.
? Targeted suppression in the aisle of fire origin in warehouses.
? Targeted deployment of active (smoke fans, pressurization zones) and passive (curtains) smoke control measures to prevent the wider spread of smoke.
? Controlled and orderly evacuation of occupants especially in cases where mobilization can be restricted or difficult: hospitals, conference centers, sports arenas, correctional facilities etc.
As shown in the graph on the left, designs vary from the basic SFD (standard fire detection) and detection zone coverage compliant to most building codes, to higher levels of protection with enhanced detection sensitivity and reduced detection zone sizes.
Improved response that allow the earliest possible and effective intervention - often required by end users where business continuity or asset protection are critical - requires system designs in the top right corner; i.e. designing compartment sizes as small as possible with very early warning smoke detection.
ASD Solution for an Effective Response
Aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems comprise extremely sensitivity detection chambers that draw air samples from multiple sampling points to deliver early or very early detection of fires. The majority, however, of standard ASD systems provide detection zone or room level addressability confined to the entirety of detector sampling points.
Certain ASDs have multiple detection addresses delivering smaller detection zones (and annunciation) from a single device. For example, “Sector Addressability”, found on the VESDA-E VES detector, provides alarm annunciation per individual sampling pipe allowing a detection zone to be segregated into 4 “sectors” with each sector capable of protecting spaces up to 500m2 and offering individual pipe alarm threshold setting and stages alarms. In this application, it might be the isles of a warehouse; data center containments aisles, rooms in a building or ceiling and floor voids. By utilising the sector addressability approach in the design, the ASD detector can better direct very early warning response.
The next step in reducing detection zone size is to use an individual detector per zone. This can be achieved with an individual spot detector or by using an ASD solution that offers individual sampling hole addressability (where solution provides an output per sampling point). The VESDA-E VEA provides “sampling point addressability” via 40 addressable sampling points connected to a centralised detector. Each VEA sampling point delivers the same addressability to spot detectors with the added benefit of centralised test and maintenance.
An ASD approach with addressable capability delivers the following benefits:
? Enhanced detection (VEWFD/EWFD) for early warning and early response to a potential fire event.
? Simplified maintenance at a centralized detector that can be located in an easy to access location.
? Flexible options in the placement and location of sampling pipe and sampling points; especially useful in hard to reach locations or where environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity) are challenging.
Project Examples
Clinton Library, Little Rock, AK, USA
The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center and Library offers an interactive educational centre displaying memorabilia. It consists of archiving rooms and displaying rooms with 40 staff supporting the operation.
Customer requirements included a fire detection system that could provide very early warning from 8 logical zones (compartments) under different ambient background levels to allow early response from the staff in the event of a fire. Two VESDA VLS detectors (precursor to the VESDA-E VES with sector addressability) provided the 8 zones of addressability; and the earliest possible detection in each zone with the ability to set different alarm thresholds adjusted to different ambient background levels.
Read the full success story here (
Sonora Behavioral Health, AZ, USA
Sonora Behavioral Health is a psychiatric facility in Tucson, AZ, a part of the larger Acadia Healthcare Group. The major challenges, as described by the Facility Director/Safety Officer, are disruption to the patients, doctors, nurses and operations from service and inspection associated with conventional fire detection systems.
Five VESDA-E VEA detector systems with multi-point addressability were selected to protect the patient rooms allowing system test and maintenance to be conducted outside the protected areas; therefore, reducing disruption to patients and medical operations.
For more details of the Sonora Behavioral Health story read here (
Queensland Coal Export Terminal, QLD, Australia
VESDA VLS integrated with a gas suppression protects this coal export terminal in one of the largest multi-commodity ports in Queensland Australia. The VLS, with multiple sector addresses, provides early warning fire detection for individual rows of electrical HV cabinets where there is a higher level of fire risk.
A fire incident (due to a faulty contact in one of the cabinets) was detected by the VLS that initiated gas suppression to prevent further escalation. According to the fire system contract administrator, “there was no downtime or lost production and with a short time a replacement breaker was fitted and the equipment returned for general operation”.
More details of the story can be accessed here (
Resources – Additional Reading
? AS 1670.1 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems – System design, installation and commissioning
? NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
? NFPA 76 Standards for the Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities
? FIA CoP - Design, Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of Aspirating Smoke Detector (ASD) Systems
? VESDA-E VES A00-P Product Guide (
? VESDA-E VEA 040 A00 Product Guide (
Read more about Industries protected by Xtralis products delivering effective response:
? DataCom and TeleCom (
? Logistics (
? Healthcare (
? Correctional (
Need Assistance?
Please contact us for any project where you need to ensure detection of incipient fires, from small compartments to large high storage warehouses, in areas that are difficult to protect, or of capital importance for their owners, using the most innovative technologies, at the lowest possible cost.