Responding to an article - Nigeria may be lost or sinking right now but take it for me, those days are almost over; ....

Three statements stood our clear to me when I read this article which I will hereunder quote before I make my general comment:                               ….will only get worse, no matter where the President of Nigeria comes from. 

Nigeria is structurally unworkable and MUST EITHER BE RESTRUCTURED OR BROKEN                                                                                                      

''I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.'' - Harriet Tubman


All I read in this well written article are not entirely new to me but I sincerely congratulate the writer for a well written piece. But first I suggest, say, or affirm that Nigeria shall not be broken either by Boko Haram, Biafra or what have you. I listened to or was it read what Sanusi said, but was neither impressed nor unimpressed, but did not know he was playing a GAME. Whereas restructuring could be a better word, but neither do I go for it either. Many people know that 2019 will be the turning point for Nigeria and most likely many more either do not know or care to know. I too have heard about Atiku and Buhari even though I thought I heard also that Buhari had said he will not run for a second time. But even if he runs as that is his right, he will not win and mind you neither will Atiku win. But who will win the 2019 Nigeria’s Presidential Election? Oh I wish I was a fortune teller and or a prophet or seer, but I am not. By the way I wish as immediately used above is so as to answer who Nigeria’s next president will be. But actually I do not desire such a role or office or gift. But I desire a better Nigeria, a real Nigeria, and an authentic Nigeria; and that we shall have latest by 2019 and thereafter. The SEVEN YOKES stated in that write up will not remain after the 2019 presidential election – and again I am not foretelling especially since I am not so gifted. But I can and do work with my hands and mind and my spirit. You could take off that last part even though it is the truth. It was very, very interesting to me to read what I already know, but did not know the detail of how and why SHARIA a religious concept should appear in the Constitution of a Secular State. This will certainly not continue after 2019 and neither will references of the “courts” of any other religious organization exist in Nigeria’s Constitution – if such courts actually exist Re. my other online article where I have elaborately written on this. By the Secularism does not mean there are no religious minded individuals in that state; it only means there are more than one religion in that country and one of these may be “no religion”: Agnosticism or Atheism, even if less than 1% of the population practice this. Yes Nigerian citizens should have a home state, town or village through which they entered into this world from heaven but these are or should be free to live anywhere they so choose in any of the 36 states in the country and Abuja. Again this I have elaborated upon in the online article by this same writer referred to above. What really is Democracy? This, we as Nigerians must know for it is the answer not only to Nigeria’s problem but the problem of any nation under heaven – when the people govern by their elected representatives. When last did you vote in an election? What motivates you to vote and who do you vote for? Your tribe’s man or known folk, the most eloquence candidate or the richest. Tell me. Nigeria may be lost or sinking right now but take it for me, those days are almost over; and you and me – we have work to do. So roll up your sleeves fellow Nigeria and get ready for the New Nigeria that is almost here, bearing in mind what Harriet Tubman said. Thank you, by Dr. Gregg Abraham Moore

Article Responded to:

Please, I beg of you, do not be carried away by Sanusi's seeming forthrightness! Sanusi is only playing the victim mentality so that the Hausa-Fulani cabal can have their cake and eat it (i.e., maintain their stranglehold on the peoples of Nigeria, while rolling out a Marshall plan to accelerate socio-economic development in the North, in order to avoid a general uprising of the talakawas).

Sanusi is a big part of the problem, and a major bulwark of the Hausa-Fulani Cabal. In fact, he was only allowed to become Emir because of his demonstrated commitment to the evil Hausa-Fulani hegemony. Who in 2015 married and bedded as a fourth wife an 18 year old girl younger than his own daughters - Sanusi! (By the way, polygamy is rare in the nation of Malaysia which Sanusi holds up as a model). Who spent years in Sudan (the Arab nation MOST repressive of blacks) to study Sharia - Sanusi!!! Who stated publicly that the Fulani should rule Nigeria because they are the most successful empire builders - Sanusi!!! Who is accused of personally leading the mob in Kano that beheaded Akaluka the Igbo martyr in 1995 - Sanusi!! Who in the midst of the worst recession in Nigeria's history was so insensitive that he bought and publicly flaunted a N132m Rolls Royce just to mark the 2016 Sallah - Sanusi!!!!

By the way, the Emir of Kano is fifth to the Sultan in order of protocol (the perking order is: Sultan of Sokoto, Shehu of Borno, Emir of Gwandu, Emir of Bauchi and then Emir of Kano). Therefore, if Sanusi talks too much, all you need to shut him up is one phone call from the Sultan!

The disruptive power of the Hausa-Fulani cabal is a structural reality and will only get worse, no matter where the President of Nigeria comes from. It is a seven-fold yoke which we must break for the sake of our children. LET ME SUMMARIZE:

1. THE POLITICAL YOKE: Globally, out of the 16 Federal Republics in the world, Nigeria is the only federation where land mass is used as a primary criteria for creating federating units.

NO Southern leader (civilian or military) has ever had the guts to create any federating unit; all the federating units have been created by Northern military adventurers. 20 federating units were created from only one region (North), while 17 federating units were created from 3 regions (East, West & Midwest).

Competent leaders are easily filtered off by the rigged political structure. At every election, the evil and corrupt Northern cabal needs only a few Southern collaborators to impose any presidential candidate upon the two foremost political parties, only for the electorate to formalize one of the candidates with votes.

That's why Nigeria has been having such mediocre leaders as OBJ, UMY, GEJ, and now PMB as president, in a country awash with extremely capable presidential materials.

This also explains why since 1960 no Southerner has ever led Nigeria except by accident. (The FIRST comings of ALL 3 Southern leaders - Ironsi in 1966, OBJ in 1976 & GEJ in 2010 - followed the death of Northern incumbents!).

For 2019 the presidential contest is being set for Atiku (Mr. Corruption) vs Buhari (Mr. Tribal Bigotry) - two Fulani representatives of the Cabal.

2. THE ECONOMIC YOKE: Nigeria is the only oil-producing country where oil wells are allocated to individuals. The Hausa-Fulani cabal allocated over 80% of the oil blocks either to the Northerners or to their Southern fronts/allies. The names of these oil block allotees is in the public domain.

3. THE RELIGIOUS YOKE: No other faith is mentioned in the Nigerian Constitution, except Islam. For instance, in the 1999 Constitution, Christ, Christians and Christianity are not mentioned even once; whereas Islamic signposts are strewn all over the Constitution. For instance, Sharia is mentioned 73 times, Grand Khadi 54 times, Islam 28 times , Muslims 10 times, etc. That Constitution was written SOLELY by one Muslim Fulani Jihadist named Prof. Auwalu Yadudu (Special Adviser to Abacha on Constitutional Matters). While the 1979 Constitution emphasized Nigeria’s secularity, the 1999 Constitution of Yadudu is a de facto Islamic Constitution, and the Cabal ensured that Yadudu was there to fight that position at 2014 National Political Conference.

Subsequently, during OBJ's govt, the same Northern cabal formally adopted Islam as the State Religion in the core Northern States. OBJ refused to even discuss the issue, except to state that it would 'fizzle out' (he knew fully well that it would not 'fizzle out' but was afraid of confronting the cabal).

4. THE CULTURAL YOKE: The Sultanate forms a major pillar of the Hausa-Fulani cabal. As Permanent President-General of NSCIA the Sultan is the permanent leader of all Muslims in Nigeria (whether they are Northerners or Southerners). As the Permanent Chairman of NCTRN the Sultan is the permanent leader of all traditional rulers in all 36 States of Nigeria & Abuja. (By the way, the current Sultan was the Brigadier-General Commanding 241 Recce Battalion Kaduna).

Many public policies are determined only with the tacit approval of the Sultanate of Sokoto and the Emirates. For instance, when the gender Bill was introduced in the National Assembly, the Sultan 'killed' the Bill simply by criticizing it publicly. Even Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (the world's most revered monarch) would never criticize Parliament publicly, because that would be an abuse of royal privilege.

5. ADMINISTRATIVE YOKE: Nigeria is the only African country that built a new capital from scratch (using resources from the oppressed, deprived and degraded Niger Delta/SE).

The Cabal claimed that the location of Lagos by the ocean was a security risk, but this was just an excuse to Northernize national public service. A careful look at the map of Africa shows that only 2 nations have central capitals. The most common location for African capitals is at the coast.

London (UK) is situated at the edge of England on the River Thames. Washington DC (USA) is located along the Potomac River on the East Coast of USA. Paris (France) is located at the edge of France in the north-bending arc of the river Seine.

When Lagos was capital the governors of Lagos State were from East, West and North. Since the Capital moved to Abuja, NO Nigerian leader has ever had the guts to appoint a Southerner or Northern Christian as FCT Minister. Not only must FCT Minister be a Northerner, he must also be a Muslim (the current FCT Minister was appointed while he was ES of Hajj Commission).

6. THE DIPLOMATIC YOKE: Any Christian leader who questions Nigeria's membership of the two main international Sharia-driven bodies (OIC & D-8) faces the wrath of the Hausa-Fulani Cabal. So far, only Cdr Ebitu Ukiwe has ever had the guts to seriously question Nigeria's involvement in these Islamic bodies and as a result Ukiwe was summarily dismissed from office.

7. THE MILITARY/SECURITY YOKE: Nigeria is the only federation in the world where all MAJOR security agencies are headed by only one section of the federation.

(Army – North; NSA – North; Defence – North; Airforce – North; Police – North; SCDC – North; DSS – North; NIS – North; NIP – North; FRSC – North; Customs – North; Defence Staff – North; NIA – South; Fire Service – North; NEMA – North; and If you consider the Ports as important to Security of the country – North).

No southerner has been made substantive Comptroller General of Customs in 30 years. Even with all his braggadocio, OBJ dared not break the jinx in all his

years as Nigeria's President.

The above multi-faceted enslavement to the Hausa-Fulani Cabal is not an accident. Read the book by Harold Wilson which clearly states how and why the British laid the foundation for the Hausa-Fulani hegemony in Nigeria.

The principle guiding the Cabal was clearly set forth by the cabal's patron saint, Sir Ahmadu Bello who said to the media:

"The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as a conquered territory and NEVER ALLOW THEM TO RULE OVER US and NEVER ALLOW THEM TO HAVE CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN FUTURE." – (The Parrot Newspaper, October 12, 1960).

Freedom from the Cabal is NOT about "North versus South". In fact, the greatest victims of the Northern cabal are the Northern masses themselves. The struggle entails "Northern Cabal versus All of Lovers of Freedom".

Nigeria is structurally unworkable and MUST EITHER BE RESTRUCTURED OR BROKEN. The Hausa-Fulani cabal will resist this with their blood, but there is no other way out of the enslavement for us and our children. We cannot continue 'suffering and smiling' in un-restructured zooNigeria.

''I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.'' - Harriet Tubman


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