TIRED but will persevere. RESPITE HOUSE treasurer, a professional banker, on the Board of Directors threw our charitable non-profit under the bus! After LegalZoom (spread out their payments) obtained the tax-exempt & non-profit business license he NEVER followed through on completing time sensitive process issues. NEVER posted newspaper notices as required nor did he file paperwork withthe Town of Clarkdale. That's another issue...LegalZoom was supposed to take care of all government,,..Federal, State& LOCAL..they did not!)
I am NOT going to quit. Have to start all over. It is WHAT it is...and I'll deal with it. Never thought it would take years to establish this charity in memory of my Patrick. Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers. This is God's party not mine. I'll consider this past year and a half a trial run.
FEELING beaten & defeateded but KNOW this will pass. PTSD triggers. A heavy load with no help but I know EVERYTHING will be okay. This is Gods party not mine I certainly never dreamed to venture starting a business at 70 with zero experience. Therefore : Trial Run