Respirators, Face Masks, N95 and P2? Got the right protection for the job?
By Scott Hancock Account Manager

Respirators, Face Masks, N95 and P2? Got the right protection for the job?

With so many types of masks around with different standards, it can be confusing picking the right protection for the job. Here is a quick outline of what to look for when choosing respiratory protection.

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Disposable masks and respirators with protection ratings have been used in industrial environments for a long time but now with the Covid-19 pandemic, the public is also having to contend with not only wearing masks but also the different ratings and types of masks. This has caused quite a lot of confusion in the marketplace on which mask to use.

Face Masks, Face Coverings and Surgical Face Masks have successfully slowed the spread of the pandemic. People often see the usage of Face Masks as being the protection for the person wearing the mask, however in reality Face Masks were designed to protect patients from the wearer. The difference between this and a Surgical Face Mask is the added resistance of fluid under pressure travelling through the mask ie blood. 

Medical workers who require protection from the Covid-19 Virus wear Respirators and not Face Masks. Respirators have a tight-fitting seal and as in industrial use, are designed to protect the wearer from the hazards in the environment they work in.

Because the virus is a very small particle, the Respirator needs to have a tested rating of N95 or P2. N95 is a US rating and its nearest equivalent Australian/New Zealand rating is P2. There are other masks on the market showing different countries’ standards equivalent to these; KN95 – Chinese, FFP2 – European.

There are also Valved and Non-Valved options. The Valved option releases the exhaled air through the Valve. This has comfort benefits for the wearer, but if the Respirator wearer has Covid-19 this exhaled air could spread through the valve and infect others. Hence, Non-Valved is the preferred option where the Covid Virus is the hazard.

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Respirators for Industry – Selection:

Selecting the right Respirator for your workplace can seem a bit daunting but if you break it down into four main steps, you’ll get the right Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).

Step1. What’s the Hazard? Does the work environment contain particulate hazards or gas and vapours or a combination of both?  

Step 2. How high are the Hazard levels and is RPE needed? An exposure assessment should be carried out and the results compared to the Work Exposure Standards (WES) set by Worksafe New Zealand. This will let you know if the levels are higher than the WES where you will be required to provide RPE or if they are lower than the WES where PRE isn’t legally required. You may still want to offer RPE for the employees that choose to wear it.

Step 3. What level of protection is needed? Respirators tested to the AS/NZS 1716 standards are allocated an Assigned Protection Factor (APF). This is the amount of protection that the RPE will provide above the WES.

For instance, an APF of 10 will provide protection up to levels 10 times that stated in the WES.

Step 4. Choosing the right Respirator. There are other factors to consider as well as APF. For example, if eye protection from chemical splash is required as well, you might want to consider going for a Full-Face Respirator. Practicality, comfort, and the amount of time the respirator will be worn all need to be considered. It is important to find respirators that provide a proper fit for each individual, as not all faces are the same size and shape.

Find out more

Getting the right gear for the job is important, not only to keep your people safe but to get the work done effectively and on time. Once you know what you need, our Active Safety Specialists will be able to assist you in finding the right respirator and filters. You can get in touch using the following:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 0800 228 723 or 09 415 4932
  • Active Safety Albany 1/3 William Pickering Drive, Albany
  • Active Safety Pukekohe 27 Nelson Street, Pukekohe.

Scott has been in the industry for a long time and gathered quite a reputation as the person who knows safety gear, so if in doubt Scott is your person to reach out to.

He knows his way around respiratory, hand and eye protection, uniforms, and all sorts of other safety equipment. 

 About the Writer

Scott Hancock - Account Manager

P: 0800 22 87 23 | M: 021 754 564

[email protected]

As an account manager, Scott leans on his 30 years of experience to provide friendly, expert advice in four easy steps:

  • Discovering and Understanding all the hazards you need protection from (including the ones you don’t know about yet)
  • Finding the best safety equipment for your needs
  • Getting the buy in of your staff
  • Delivering equipment on time for the right price

Disclaimer: The content is for general information purposes. It does not provide personalised safety advice. The content should not be used as a substitute for professional health and safety advice. While all efforts are made to provide accurate information, information may change with time, please seek advice if in doubt.

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Disposable N95 Respirator Non Valve: Box/20

NIOSH approved N95 Particulate Filter is 95% efficient against particulate aerosols free of oil. Adjustable nose clip reduces potential for eye wear fogging and helps ensure a better seal and fit.

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