Respect your TIME
The person who really understands the value of time, surrender to it. Time is a magic. It has power to turnaround anything in a second- A king into a poor person and a poor into a king (you must have heard about the rags to rich stories).
Respecting your time does not mean that you work for 24/7/365. It means that whatever amount of time you are giving to your work, maximum amount of productivity should come out of it.
According to one research, it is found that the best performers are not working in a liner way but in a cyclical way. This means that, if we look at the best athletes- It's not only what they do on a tennis court that makes them great but what they do in between points in terms of their recovery that allows them to win a game. So everyday work for few hours and go for a walk. Then work for another few hours and then take rest. So giving to time to recover does not mean you are disrespecting your time as recovery is absolutely necessary.
Experience and maturity come with time. A child evolves as he becomes an adult because of his life experiences. It is the only thing which one can not overcome. Always remember that with time, things change- whether it is good or bad. Keep preparing yourself to face the best and worst.
[Self-Healing Post 5]