I matter. You matter. ~ Sakshi Vasudeva
To have self-respect is to be able to recognize and express one’s own specialties.
The one who does this also uses every situation as an opportunity to use others’ specialties too. Such a person is not caught up with the negative aspects in others, but is able to encourage and inspire them to use their specialties.
When I have self-respect I have naturally respect for others too. I am able to understand others and their behavior and act accordingly. I provide an environment for others’ growth.
I have no complaints, as I know I can fill in within them what is missing.
?To have self-respect is to be powerful and make others powerful too.
When there is an awareness of being fortunate, there is the ability to recognize what one has.
All that is there in one's own life is put to good use, which brings about benefit. Such a person never gives up trying to better the situation. He puts in continuous effort with enthusiasm.
When I have the awareness of being fortunate, I am constantly happy and content. I appreciate everything that is in my life and continue to put it to good use. So I find my fortune increasing with each day that passes. I thus experience constant progress and happiness