Resources You Requested

Resources You Requested

We continually receives questions from those on the front line, looking for help in understanding subjects, or how to better convey them to others. Three big items we continually receive request for help on are understanding glide, Psychrometrics, and concerns about working with the next generation of refrigerants. We hope these videos are helpful to you in meeting these goals.

  • Glide and Fractionation: Many of our new refrigerants will require a better understanding of glad and fractionation. 7 Minutes
  • Learning Psychrometrics: We are in the business of understanding air. Learn more about the fundamentals of air. 66 Minutes
  • Refrigerant Flammability: Many of our new refrigerants are classified as mildly flammable or highly flammable. What's the difference? 15 Minutes

Make Your Credits Count

Are your school HVACR credits transferrable? Under a new articulation agreement credits earned in trade schools and community colleges may now transfer to a Department of Labor approved apprenticeship program. Watch this video to learn more.

HVACR RoadShows

Welcome to the ESCO HVAC RoadShow, where the world of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning comes alive! ????? Join us on an unforgettable expedition as we document our thrilling odyssey to some renowned HVACR training centers, trade shows, and museums.

  • UA Instructor Training: Learn more about how an industry leader trains their instructors and puts their apprentices to the test. 13 Minutes
  • Refrigeration Museum: Take a step back into a time where flammable refrigerants unfold and re-introduce themselves as history repeats itself. 44 Minutes
  • Alabama Power: Take a tour of an industry leading utility and their approach to training the workforce. 12 Minutes


Accreditation Update : HVAC Excellence is delighted to announce the accreditation granted to the HVACR educational programs at three esteemed institutions:

  • Calhoun Community College - Decatur, Alabama View Photos
  • Lanier Technical College - Gainesville, Georgia View Photos
  • Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Nashville, TN View Photos ?

We proudly recognize the exceptional achievements of these institutions in meeting the rigorous standards set by HVAC Excellence. To learn more about the stringent standards they have successfully met, we invite you to explore further details here.

Building Automation Certification Now Available: Elevate your career with our 100-question certification exam covering building automation fundamentals, networks, controllers, programming, and more. Boost your expertise today!

Certified Master HVACR Educators: Congratulations to Todd Klerr of and Michael Hall and Vishnu Persaud of Lincoln Technical Institute for becoming Certified Master HVACR Educators.

Training for the Future: Clifton Beck discusses future-focused training with HVAC School's Bryan Orr, sharing his journey as an educator, addressing HFC changes and A2L refrigerant trends.

Carbon Monoxide &Combustion Safety Training Seminar - Kalispell, MT: The Carbon Monoxide Safety Association (COSA) will be holding a Carbon Monoxide and Combustion safety training seminar in Kalispell, Montana on September 26, 2023. Find out more and register here.

Learning Opportunities

Did you know we have a live weekly webcast, and audio podcast to keep you apprised of industry changes, and help you stay connected with the HVACR community. Regardless of what stage you are at (student, technician, contractor, educator, etc.) our guests will help you get to the next stage in your career.

If you are looking for firsthand information from industry leading manufacturers, government agencies, and subject matter experts? Then join us March 25-27, 2024 for the National HVACR Education Conference.


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