Resource savings and reduction of standstills at Moveri AG
"Duplication and unnecessary calls are eliminated. This leads to resource savings" (Mr. Beutler, Head of Maintenance & Operation at Moveri AG). Through the implementation of omis 4.0, administration costs can be reduced by up to 25%. This can be realized through a holistic overview over all data, automated communication and reminders as well as a comprehensive document management.
The Customer
The Moveri AG, a company of Volare Group, runs about 530 filling stations in Switzerland - under the private labels Ruedi Rüssel and Miniprix, as well as under the international brands BP and Shell. This makes the company the largest independent operator of filling stations in Switzerland. The affiliated shops of Aperto offer everything for quick and easy shopping. Many locations operate car wash facilities of Soft Car Wash (
The Challenge
In retail chains with many locations the organization of maintenance tasks leads to a high administrative input. Unexpected telephone calls for simple information, the search for important documents, post phone calls for due tasks etc. cost time and are not productive. Another important factor that influences the efficiency is the availability of machines, plants and devices. Unexpected breakdowns, badly organized maintenance and inspection schedules or a missing automation influence the business negatively.
The Solution
"Duplication and unnecessary calls are eliminated. This leads to resource savings. Moreover, omis enables us to purposefully control important components that are relevant for the continuous operation of our stations. This reduces standstill times considerably", says Mr. Beutler, Head of Maintenance & Operation at Moveri AG.
Through the implementation of omis 4.0, administration costs can be reduced by up to 25%. The system provides an historical overview and current status with only a few mouse clicks. The communication to external service providers works directly over the system. As soon as reports are due, the system sends a reminder automatically. Direct storage of invoices, inspection certificates and other documents makes a lengthy search unnecessary. Through a simple dashboard overview the viewing and planning of maintenance tasks and repairs becomes much easier. Also, breakdowns can be processed faster and prioritized which again improves system availability.
"It is fun to work in an uncomplicated environment with nice experts and to develop common solutions and realize them on time", says Mr. Beutler.
omis 4.0 is a real web application. It can be accessed and used anywhere. Installation of a program is not required and the design is responsive. Through this we offer an optimized operation for all users. For omis 4.0 to integrate itself optimally in a company's own workflows we focus on implementing rapidly while requiring minimal effort on the customer's side.
Thanks to our long experience in the industry we know the specific needs of filling station operators. Our licencing model needs no long explanation and adapts flexibly to different requirements. Our customers do not need to worry about releases, updates or software maintenance.
omis 4.0 has a modular structure and can therefore be adapted specifically to the needs of each customer. The various modules result in numerous functions and options for how omis can be optimally used in the company. The main module lists and manages the most important master data. It also serves as a data source for the other modules. omis 4.0 includes the essential functions that are needed by users in their daily work: Master data management, fault report management, insurance claim management, document management, inspection scheduling, checklist management and reporting options.