Resounding bubble of Ignorance
Shabazz Rah-Khem, Ph.D.
Advocate for Transformative Change | Be a Pillar of Change ( | AI & Quantum Science Enthusiast | Author |
“The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.” —Malala Yousafzai.
As a Nation we are struggling to reconcile truth with distorted narratives that have been cast through our Nation’s history. Sad thing, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism will not be satisfied with their statements, positions, warped lens, and ability to share their positions. Because ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism demand absolute power. Demand dominance and demand submission by all others that do not agree, align, and support a caste system that places those whom they deem worthy at the top rung of societal culture.
If you believe this onslaught of ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism will just wane away. You obviously know very little of history. We are barreling ahead as Nation towards Fascism. Yet, we are not alarmed, we are not sounding the alarm, and those amongst us who do are being labeled criers of wolf.
We supposedly pride ourselves as a Nation of Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Liberty for All, while denying it too as many as we can. We claim our Nation was founded upon an inalienable Right, That All People are Created Equal, while extolling segments of the Human Family above one another. We claim to celebrate Freedom of Speech, while banning books, gutting educational curriculum, and demonizing people who strive to teach a full rich narrative with the full representation of contributions of so many people from all walks of life that made this Nation possible.
Yet here we are. Supposedly one of the greatest and wealthiest Nation’s seen in modern time. Grappling, fumbling, stumbling, and faltering to openly address root causes stemming our divisiveness. We rather envelope ourselves in lies, propaganda, and half-truths, while casting any and all whom oppose our positions as attempting to usurp power, dominate, and steal our country. There’s no discourse, no unpacking of ideas, no critical thought, nor exploration to identify any degree of accuracy or common ground. We relish our ability to be closed minded and vomiting foolishness as facts. And finally, we attack all that are not like us as “anti-American” simply because we can’t intelligently answer a counter position.
This is US? This is the display of Folly to the World. Where are all the Good People in our Nation? Why are we Silent? Why are we idly standing on the sidelines with our backs turned away from what is taking place? Why does it have to visit Us upon our doorstep, before we decide to stand against this disease of ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism? When will we remove the muzzle of Fear? Do you seriously think if you say nothing it will not come for you too? Or do you covet your little token positions in this system of things so dearly, that you are willing to lose our future?
Now is the time to stand unified against this wave of ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism. Now is the time to demonstrate we are Good People. Now is the time to get into Good Trouble, for a Good Cause.
Please do not let this wave of ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism consume us as we close our eyes to the inevitable truth as it spreads unchecked. It will not go away; it will continue to gain momentum.
A force unchecked will not acquiesce.
Take Care.
“A Rock shaped, cut by currents thrashing, tumults of life's waves, artistic beauty a life engaged. Not sitting within gated comfort out of reach fearful of lessons to be learned, hurts to be felt and pains to be born as thy walketh within a path of thy Light”. By Shabazz Rah-Khem
Working for a better Life & World. Our mission whether individually or collective is to advance true inclusive democracy for the entire human family through positive disruption, progressive change, social justice, equitable access to resources, while developing a sense of belonging throughout communities. We seek to constructively improve people’s lives, our larger society, for future generations, and the world by mobilizing people around common good socially, politically, economically, through community advocacy, and education.