Resonating Belief: it's never too late!!
Abhirup Roy
Personal Branding || Stakeholder Management || Talent Acquisition Specialist || Technical IT Recruiter || Non-IT Recruitment
Let's see a perspective of how we work as individuals.?I know the title sounds cliché but it's a fact proven?time and time again. While I am writing this I feel?many of you can relate to this read the below?statements.
? I wish I dared to live a life true to myself, not?the life others expected of me.
? I wish I had worked hard
? I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
? I wish that I had let myself be happier
? I wish I spent more time with the ones I care about
? I wish I cared more about those who cared for?me
? I wish I had followed my passion
I know one or more statement you feel relates to you?but the fact is all the above statements are generic?and we all are alike as a human in terms of thinking?no matter how different we think each other as?individual we are alike tied in the synchronicity of?mindset and actions, therefore, we can be coded too?in a positive way!!.
If they can we all can it's all in our mindsets:
? Ritesh Agarwal started Oyo room's biggest?Asian hotel chain brand at 23!! A dollar?millionaire at 22 soon after completing his?school education.
? Alan Rickman the famous Severus Snape from?the Harry Potter films, made it to his first film at?46!
? Charles Darwin At the age 50, following a?voyage on the HMS Beagle, that he published? On the Origin of Species.
? The iconic face of KFC Colonel Sanders?started his chain of KFC at 62!
When we picture a 50-year-old man, the image that?comes to our mind is that of an old man with grey hair?and a tired face with grown-up children. Sadly, we do?not want to look beyond that. Some people sulk as?they enter their 30's because they think they are?growing old. On the contrary, some celebrate their?40th birthday as they feel all charged up and look at?life from a fresh and new perspective. There is no?denying the fact that our body starts deteriorating as?we grow older, but if we eat well, get adequate sleep,?exercise, have a healthy routine, treat any disease or?ailment well and on time, we can win our race against time.
We have only one life and many roles to play, many?responsibilities to fulfill, many dreams and goals to?achieve. So, do not let your age affect you. Of course,?you grow old but, you also grow strong, wise, and?mature into a sensible human being with the?experiences gathered in this beautiful journey called?LIFE.
For leading a happy and content life, it is very?important that we love our life, if we were not able to?fulfill any wish or achieve any goal in the past due to?some reason, do not sit back and regret, take a?chance.
It is never too late to live, it is never too late to dream?
and it is never too late to achieve!