#ResonateWithEigenModeOfTheDay June 18, 2020 - Premiering a blockbuster in every human mental screen: Metaphoric symbolism of Yogini Ekadasi
Sankhya yoga Personalised (SyP) for Sanatana Dharma Here & Now (SDHN)

#ResonateWithEigenModeOfTheDay June 18, 2020 - Premiering a blockbuster in every human mental screen: Metaphoric symbolism of Yogini Ekadasi

Wish y’all a forbearing Pra-dosham pre-sunset ?? this Thursday evening & much prior to that, a fulfilling post-sunrise ?? Hari-vasara! As promised in my previous post, here’s our inner-reality-show running house full to packed houses, in parallel to the never-stale-tale of yogini ekadasi:

Original Story & Direction: Vyasa (adapted from Padma Purana Uttara-khanda)

Screenplay & Dialogues: Yours truly

Distributors: WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn 

Archive: Amazon Kindle


  1. Seeker Yudhisthira enacted by our own apparent individuality, jivatma;
  2. Service-provider Krsna enacted by our own supreme reality, paramatma;
  3. Royal Kubera enacted by our own Lordship Everythingness (?/macrocosm);
  4. Yogi Shiva enacted by our own ascetic Nothingness (0/microcosm);
  5. Beautiful Flowers ?? of Manasa-sarovara enacted by the fragrance/essence of our own Everythingness;
  6. Gardener Hem-maali enacted by our own religious & spiritual practices (Mr. Sadhana);
  7. Magical Vishal-akshi enacted by our own superhuman ???♂? powers (Ms. Siddhi);
  8. Solution-provider Rshi Markandeya enacted by the dispeller of our own darkness of ignorance (our own impersonal Gu-ru);
  9. Heaven-like Alaka-puri enacted by our own effervescent state of mind, here & now;
  10. Mother Earth enacted by our own ground realities, here & now;


As part of their regular interactions, our apparent individuality (jivatma) enquires from our supreme reality (paramatma) about methods for its liberation from the seemlessly never-ending cycle of embodiment & disembodiment, via birth & death ??. 

Our own supreme reality then (Paramatma) responds that amongst the many potential ways for this recycling to culminate in our enlightened freedom, there’s one simple way, pertinent to this particular day, the dominant eigenmode of which one can resonate with! Our supreme reality goes on further to describe this scientific procedure step-by-step, allegorically:

At every moment, the ideal bhakta called ‘Lord Everythingness’ attempts to invoke the ideal jnani within himself called ‘Yogi Nothingness,’ by worshipfully offering in obeisance what he considers as the very ‘essence’ of himself. To extract his own ‘essence’ (flowers) to be sourced from his lake of emotions (Manasa-sarovara) & to be offered at the inner altar, our Everythingness employs a gardening intern by name Mr. Sadhana (rituals, puja, homa, kriya, yantra, mantra, tantra, yoga & other such daily spiritual practices). Our Sadhana selflessly serves our Everythingness for many years, graduating from an intern to a permanent employee, shareholder & board director, being always punctual & duty-conscious. But, as the unstoppable time whizzes past, our Sadhana matures to marriageable age, meets a wide-eyed beauty Ms. Siddhi (our superhuman powers obtained through our own sadhana), falls in love ?? at first sight & gets fully engaged in accessing, playing & displaying her. Unable to contain its excitement at the wonderful mesmerizing looks ?? of our Siddhi, our Sadhana gets sidetracked & forgets its own duties & schedules, eventually getting fired & grounded (to Earth ?? of course!). As a collateral damage, the spiritual evolution of our Everythingness grinds to a standstill too! 

Meanwhile, our derailed Sadhana, afflicted with decay & disintegration (leprosy) & thus shunned by our society, wanders away to the forest (solitude) & encounters our own impersonal gu-ru, older & wiser than our creator Brahma & with a befitting a-shram (literally, ‘effortlessness’ seated at the 9th major chakra, over & above the 7th/sahasrara at the crown of our head & the 8th/pitru/matru in the form of an infinite ? loop of DNA ??). Overflowing with compassion towards our shattered sadhana, our impersonal gu-ru (dispeller of darkness) who, though fully aware of all the three tenses of both the within & the without, enquires about the reasons for our sadhana’s miserable status of deformity, loneliness & depression. Having already suffered sufficiently enough to realise its own follies, owing to its distraction with its own acquired magical powers leading to its irresponsible dereliction of duty, our sadhana truly poured, nay emptied, its heart out in confession. 

Our impersonal gu-ru, majestically seated ?? over our head at our 9th chakra, impressed by the new & current status of absolute sincerity in our sadhana, offered a solution, instead of mere solace: He taught our sadhana the significance of a once-in-a-fortnight lockdown quarantine by shutting down all five incoming gates of sensing, all five outgoing gates of actuation & the mindgate (totalling to eleven/ekadasi gates, for an effective containment strategy, including but not restricted to food deprivation alone!) through brahma-charya (conduct consistent with that of Brahman), especially to be followed on Yogini Ekadasi

Enormous gratitude expressed, thoroughly impressed & no more depressed, our sadhana fervently carried out our impersonal guru’s instructions, following the procedures to the word & more importantly, the spirit, only to be restored back by our own supreme reality to the effervescent state of mind here & now, reunited with our temporarily social-distanced siddhis & resuming daily delivery ?? of the essence ?? of our ? everythingness ?? to invoke our 0??nothingness

Our supreme reality concludes the allegory by extolling its fruits ?? as equivalent to feeding a thousand learned seekers to vanquish our big bank balance of long-term recurring deposits of karmas accrued merely & purely through our accidental & unconscious actions, speech & even thoughts ??. ??


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