Karl Dewazien
Emeritus State Director of Coaching, California Youth Soccer Assoc., Author & Creator of the FUNdamental SOCCER Player Development Methodology.
Yes we can improve the playing environment for our players in 2019. There is no doubt in my mind that deep down inside all of us is the power to accomplish what is needed.
New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Each January, roughly one in three of us resolve to better ourselves in some way. A much smaller percentage of us actually make good on those resolutions. While about 75% of us stick to our goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) of us are still on target six months later.
Yes, it might be hard to keep up the enthusiasm months after we have swept up the previous year’s ups and downs, but it's not impossible. This year we may want to adopt some simple core value resolutions used by a true winner and stick with them.
The defending National Basketball Association (NBA) champion Golden State Warriors became the first team in NBA history to begin a season at 29-1. “Keeping to our core values has allowed us to be where we are,” expressed Warriors Coach Steve Kerr in a recent interview.
Coach Kerr emphasized, ”I am very proud to watch my team play because they are hitting all four of my core values which are: “Joy; Mindfulness; Compassion and Competition.”
The first one and the most important one is Joy.
Joy is that I want my players to have FUN. It's a long season and this game is meant to be fun.” He emphasized.
Mindfulness means to not rely on just talent to outdo an opponent or focusing on individual marks.
Compassion is for each other and the game.
Competition is striving to win.
"When we hit those four things we're not only very tough to beat, but we're very fun to watch, we're very fun to coach, we're very fun to be around and I am happy that they're continuing to do those things." Coach Kerr told his players.
Koach Karl’s Komments: And there is no doubt these dudes are the league's most entertaining team, having plenty of fun as they chase far more than their sizzling start. While these core values may be practical we need to be careful not to overlook what is the most important factor of all: Our Attitude.
There is no doubt in my mind that deep down inside all of us is the power to accomplish what we want… And with the right Attitude we can bring Joy; Mindfulness; Compassion and Appropriate Competition into our national youth soccer community.
It is inexcusable for us not to think positively. What a time to be alive and be able to affect children’s lives in a positive way! We should rejoice daily that we have so many tools and abilities at our disposal to control and improve the soccer playing environment in our communities.
I choose to be an optimist about the next few year because we have unlimited potential. So I will leave you with my wish for the New Year: “May WE improve OUR Coaching, Refereeing and Parenting by simply improving our Efforts and Attitude!”
Final Note: Thank you readers/contributors for your support, cooperation and confidence in 2018. Together we need to continue challenging the status quo in order to succeed in improving the playing environment for our children! I look forward to reading and then publishing your comments in 2019..!
Your FUNdamental, Koach Karl (Karl Dewazien)
Emeritus State DoC for California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA)
Author of the Internationally Published FUNdamental SOCCER Books Series
Producer of the highly acclaimed ‘9-Step Practice Routine’ DVD.
Host on the educational website: