Resolving the Resolution Problem

Resolving the Resolution Problem

New year’s resolutions. Yawn! It feels like something you’re supposed to do. So you do it. You make your resolutions. It feels good for a moment, then you go on living your life in much the same way you did the year before. And, the year before that.

I’m sure you had good intentions when you created these new goals. But, the busyness of life drove your focus back to your old habits. It was just easier. You may not have been sufficiently motivated to make the change.

Well, let’s try to change that. Let’s see if we can help you create goals to fuel your growth. Go grab a good beverage and settle into a quiet seat. Get a pen and paper…or digital device ready to type.

Here’s a path forward:

Think. Write. Edit.

Start by thinking about your life in the big picture.

What’s working?

What’s not?

If you had more time, how would you spend it?

Write all of this down. Think about your list. Which item stands out as most important? Focus there. Flush it out. Get clear on what you truly want. Ask yourself the question behind the question.

I want to retire. Okay, why?

Because I’m not happy at work. Why am I not happy with work?

Because I don’t have time to hike as much as I’d like. If I could hike more, would I be more happy with work?

Simple exercises like this help surface your true desires.

Burn an image in your mind.

The clearer your goal, the easier it will be to find the motivation to pursue it. So, get that image burning in your mind…

Skiing in Telluride on a sunny day in the Rockies. A cabin with a cozy fireplace. Crackin’ wood as you crack open a cold one watching the deer scamper in the snow.

Starting a business. Not just any business…a new pastry shop with all the tasty smells that delight everyone who walks in. A place that delivers you such wonderful conversations and connections. ?A new community you feel proud to have created.

What’s that image burning in your mind? Write down all the specifics.

Automate when possible.

It’s hard to drum up consistent motivation. Some days you just don’t have it. You’re not feeling like you want to grow. You’re in survival mode. These are the times it can be so impactful to automate.

If you need to save $100 a month, don’t force yourself to have to manually do it. You might feel that momentary urge to spend the money elsewhere. If it’s automatically put into your savings or investment account, it will free up your focus.

Feel success daily.

So, you’re clear on what you want to achieve, and you can see it. You can feel it. You can taste it. Now you need to feel success. Constantly. Don’t wait until your mental image becomes reality. You’ll make it much harder to achieve. Instead focus on the journey. Appreciate all the positive steps you’re taking. Every day and every step is a success.

Think as if you’re going to write a book about your journey. It will help make any disappointments just a part of the process. In fact, those moments will will make the story more interesting. (so, even setbacks become wins).

Okay, now you’re all set. Get those goals on paper. And get going. Start writing the next chapter of your story. ?

Make this the best chapter yet!


This material is provided as a courtesy and for educational purposes only.? Please consult your investment professional, legal or tax advisor for specific information pertaining to your situation.?

?All views/opinions expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views/opinions held by Advisory Services Network, LLC.



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