Resolving To Be Happy
I was reading an article that had this same title in it and it got me thinking about my life. We are in charge and control of our own happiness, no one else is. It's true that by the choices we make in life that our situations can be easier than others; aka our jobs and income can bring about sufficient temporal means to make our lives easier, family relationships compared to being single for some can make their lives easier than others. But are they truly happy?
I have survived more in this life than most people will actually see and be involved in. I have survived many different kinds of weather situations that most would wonder how I did it, I have been homeless living in a cardboard box, gone without food for extended periods of time, not due to wanting to do that. What most people call necessities of life I have done without before because I had no other choice. But through all of these life experiences and events, I have tried to be happy. My quote the other day: Do you stop and smelling the roses, or complain about shoveling manure in your life, is a choice people make in life.
Recently I read an account of a people in a country who had nothing but what they could find to eat everyday, and yet they were the happiest people on earth. Why? Because they chose to be. At this current moment, I'm not in the greatest of financial situations, I am not married, I do have someone special to me though, and when I get to text her, and especially video chat with her, it makes my week worth so much more. Yes, I have my talents and abilities, which I pray that I can always use to help and serve others in this life, but I have many projects that are not being done, due to financial difficulties. I am not going to worry or give up on them, one small step at a time is better than a leap most of the time.
In the article that I referenced to above, it also talked about regrets. Most of us have them, here are a few of mine:
1.) wanting to spend more time with my children, but unable to at the moment
2.) wanting to finish all my project ideas, but lack of funds
3.) wanting to do more to help others to become all that they can be, but unable to do more than just inspire and not give up
4.) wanting to be able to marry that special woman to me sometime soon, but having to wait until my financial circumstances improve
5.) wishing that I could overcome my physical limitations and health problems at the moment( most of you don't realize that I sing and rap in my style and I have COPD Chronic Bronchitis and use an oxygen machine at night, not a c-pap machine) No, I'm not dying yet lol
Those are just a few regrets and I'm not at deaths door yet that I know of, where most people talk about their regrets. I still have a chance to change most of my regrets. But, no matter what my circumstances, I choose to be happy.
I was also sent a video clip from a friend that shows a young armless woman who drove a car, filled it up with gas by herself, and many other things normal people can do, so don't tell me "that you can't do something" because only you stop yourself. Unless it's something illegal that we shouldn't be doing in the first place, and by all means please don't do that. But otherwise, anyone can do anything! So my many projects will be finished yet, especially because I know that they will not only entertain people, but help financially as well.
( Shameless Self Promo:)
If anyone wants to and can be a financial backer on my upcoming movie project,
Please contact me, I will definitely welcome the help and discuss why this movie is a worthwhile money making project for all involved, and will give you a nice return on your investment. This is an original movie project from my original idea, that combines 3 different genres.
And now back to your regularly scheduled post:
Another way that I find happiness in myself is to help and serve others, regardless if they help me. It's the same way as if no one helps me with my move project above. That's not going to stop me from helping others. Even if you hate me, and there are a few out there in this life who do, I will still help you. I already have a few musicians and music producers who think that I ripped them off. I did it by giving them free promotion, although they never knew it. I'm not going to say who they are either. Do I have regrets about how our working relationship ended? Yes, I do, will I stop trying to help and support them because of it and how they feel about me? No, because I still think that the people who I work with or have worked with are the best at what they do. Do I always get paid for what I do or who I promote, help if I can or seek to be paid? Not always, usually the opposite, I sometimes end up paying for everything and receiving not even a thank you sometimes. Am I going to change from doing this? No, although I won't let myself be used or abused ever again either. If you expect me to do something for free, without taking the opportunity to get to know me, and explain why you need my help, then look elsewhere. I also hope that people realize that I can't help everyone, no one can, I don't expect this myself.
Faith in myself and my abilities also brings me self happiness and confidence. Knowing that hardly anyone will just help you in this life and just give you something for nothing, I rely on myself to accomplish what I would like to happen. I have had a few times when I have received something from people for nothing that I have done, and I have given much thanks to these people. Ultimately it's God who blesses us and gives us what we need and want, most of the time through other people. Faith is an action word, it means that we take action and hope for help from God to do what we are trying to accomplish. With true faith in God and ourselves, we can accomplish and achieve anything, and bring true happiness into our lives.
In this post, I have tried to share myself, my thoughts, feelings, regrets, hope, faith and happiness. I am far from perfect, so the idea behind this post was to try to show others how they to can become truly happy in any situation and circumstances that they find themselves in this life. Yes I did something a little different, aka, a shameless self-promotion lol, can't blame a wolf for trying right?
And last but not least, my ending joke, can't forget that lol:
3 men were walking along and happened upon an old looking lamp. One of them picked it up and started to dust it off. POOF! Out pops a genie that closely resembles the president of the United States of America. He said I will grant each one of you a wish for freeing me. So the 3 men started thinking about what they wanted. The first guy said for my wish I want to be rich. So the genie said ok, and the first man found himself surrounded by money, gold, and jewels. Then he heard sirens and found himself being arrested by the police. Seems that the man didn't tell the genie that he wanted free riches, so he was off to jail. The second man said here's my wish, I wish for world peace. So he found himself as an ambassador to a foreign country known for terrorism against humanity. The third man said, here's my wish: I wish to always be happy no matter what. POOF! The man found himself standing still by the genie. The man looked around and asked the genie why nothing had happened yet? The genie looked at him and said, "you're in control of your own happiness, when you figure out how that happens, tell the president as well, so he can quit worrying about what the press and others think about him, and then just concentrate on doing the best job that he can do."
Feel free to share the joke with anyone you want, I myself do not endorse the President of the United States of America, nor do I oppose him at the moment. I just think that we should at least give the man a year or so to see what happens, and stop judging so quickly. In the end, we are all accountable to God for what we have or have not done in this life.