Resolving conflict. Our inner journey. Dealing with Bullying. Finding peace - what gets in the way?
Dr. Manoj Krishna
Founder of HappierMe | Public Speaker | Author | Mental health advocate | Humanitarian | Former spine surgeon
Welcome to this edition of the HappierMe newsletter(previously called HumanWisdom). If you like it - please share it with others. Our mission is to help people avoid and overcome suffering, have happier relationships and develop the soft skills to flourish in life. In doing so we can make the world a better place.
Event: We begin with an invitation to a Live Event on November 4th. How can we use our wisdom to avoid and overcome conflict, and live in peace with ourselves and others? With more than half of relationships reported to be dysfunctional and 32 active wars in the world, this is a vital question to explore. So much suffering can be avoided if we can learn how to do this. Join us on Nov. 4th and share your insights. REGISTER HERE
When we suffer, there is an external trigger, and an internal reaction in our mind that creates our suffering. A deeper understanding of our own mind, can help us change our reaction from the inside, and be free. To find out how to do that in a guided way explore the HappierMe app.
Video (1 min) - introducing HappierMe
We are getting ready to launch our New HappierMe app in November - with a new design, new features and new content. There will be a Wisdom Cafe - to meet other app users for a chat, and you will be able to contact a coach through the discussion forum if you have a question. Stay tuned!
1 in 5 people in most organizations report being bullied, and the same is true for most teenagers. Cyber-bullying affects 1 in 3 teens. Why do people bully others? Are they aware they are doing that? How can we prevent it and deal with it ourselves? This podcast explores these questions in depth. Listen here.
Video - 20 sec.
We all go on many journeys in our life, but often miss out on the most important one - to get to know ourselves and how our minds work.
We all aspire to have things we don not have in the hope that will make us happier. But why does pleasure fade, leaving us wanting something more? And how does this impact our life? Understanding the nature of desire can help us make better choices, avoid addiction, and live within our means. Explore the module on Desire in the app here.
Video (12 min): A conversation with Rev. Donald McCorkindale, a Scottish Minister - We talk about peace and love and how we can embody that in our lives.
With best wishes
Dr Manoj Krishna