Resolving the Agriculture Paradox

Resolving the Agriculture Paradox

New Year’s always bring in a new sense of optimism and clarity on priorities. The past couple of years have certainly had their fair share of challenges and upset, but I start 2022 in a new role and with a reinvigorated sense of purpose and mission. And that homes in on resolving one of humankind’s biggest conundrums – the agriculture paradox.

It is estimated that farming is responsible for about 12% of all greenhouse gas emissions and is the leading cause of deforestation and habitat loss. But farmers - who have a massive emotional attachment to their land, and which is often a birthright and something they wish to pass on to their children - are also most likely to be badly hit by the impact of climate change.

How do we make agriculture more nature friendly while safeguarding food supplies to help feed growing populations?

In a recent Fortune article Jennifer Morris from The Nature Conservancy and Syngenta CEO Erik Fyrwald outline why restoring lost land offers the best hope to tackling this.

The article explains that while many current farming methods contribute?to climate change, the work of farmers is made ever harder by the effects?of climate change.

Weather extremes such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, as well as new climate-related risks from migrating pests and diseases, are putting unprecedented pressure on the world’s agriculture and food production systems.

The piece includes a stark warning: unless the global community insists on big, bold changes to agriculture—and until the agriculture industry, investors, and governments enact those changes—climate stresses will only grow worse as the required amount of food produced rises.

And so, I start 2022 very clear on the mission.

Agriculture and our business have a vital role in the fight against climate change, and creating a greener, healthier, and safer planet.

Syngenta is actively supporting the transition toward more sustainable farming systems and technologies provided by existing and new providers in the agricultural sector will support farmers in operating farms much more sustainably from an environmental and economic perspective.

Part of the solution can be found in regenerative agriculture, which is sometimes called nature-positive agriculture. This is an approach to deliver on the right balance between the need to supply sufficient food, maximizing productivity of high-quality food from every hectare, whilst effectively taking care of our environment.

To resolve the agriculture paradox, we must address the barriers that prevent the likes of regenerative agriculture to flourish. The right policy, incentives and education will all be important factors to success.

I certainly look forward to playing my part in supporting the necessary agricultural reforms required this year. What is your priority in 2022?


