Be It Resolved
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Wow, these days. I have been working through them, teaching online, working with clients and Epic Engage online... living and working out of home now these past 12 days, in what was once a self isolation, and now is a self imposed lock down... or what I am calling a Castle Build. Yesterday, I wrote of being, at home. I humbly suggest the reads.
Today, amidst the teaching and other projects with deadlines this week, I had a thought. Months back, I started in on reading The Realm Between by LD Olsen on Wattpad. And, I have been blogging on my journey. Last week, I posted on Provision and Chapter 31. All of that is to say (a) this is a great and epic read for tweens and up, and for these days and (b) I suggest you might go on, and catch up.
Way back when, here is how I opened up this journey.
- As part of this leg of my Sharpen the Blades blog series, I continue my reading of The Realm Between... and its application to life ... The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm. I do indeed continue to invite you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs, if you like. LD Olsen is writing quite the story.
- Yes, I invite you to join me on this read and reflect. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.
- This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...
So, I am inviting you to catch up. If you are in self isolation or lock down, this could be a great escape and engagement. For now, I move onto Chapter 32 in this special edition of Sharpen the Blades.
Chapter 32: "Enter Here in Peace, Secure"
Resolve. What is it? defines it as noun and verb, thusly...
Upon reflection, it is born of Decisiveness and Determination.
Consider again:
Steven Pressfield refers to those 'neathers as resistance. The are devious and doubt igniting. They have a million "answers" to why we cannot. And we invite them in when we ask:
- Can I do this?
- Am I up to this?
- Who am I to think I am?
When we ask our brains, with doubt already in mind, our minds will serve us well in confirming same. This is not to say that we should be arrogant. It is to say that, if we are feeling Soulfully connected to something and feeling some sense of calling, we need better ask better questions.
Instead of "Can I do this?"... "How will I do this?". The former leaves the door open to doubt. The latter opens us up to resolution, born of resolve.
Instead of "Am I up to this?"... "How can I rise to this?" The former, again doubt driven. The latter, resolved to find a way... and assumes that we are born for this.
This is not about delusion. It is about fighting delusion. Those vain imaginings that say we are not born for this. Bullshit. One of my favourite Writings from the Baha'i Faith goes:
Now, replace thee with your name. Replace thou with your name. Replace thyself with "himself" or "herself" or theirself". Now say, it. Noble, we are created. Yet, we abase ourselves so very much. We are literally being called to "rise".... to rise up. To rise above whatever THIS is.
Yes, we are called to rise. Tahira answered her call, amidst the wailing of the 'neathers. I find myself this day, amidst these days, thinking I must follow her lead. Today.
How can you follow such lead? Again, I invite you to engage The Realm Between, and that between our mind and heart. Join me in reading this book, now.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage