Resolutions: Love em or Hate em?
Adrian Brambila
My new book is out! Start Thinking Rich grab a copy wherever you buy books!
Hello from the clouds. I’m flew from Austin to Denver Colorado to do my very last book launch at the official Mr. Money Mustache headquarters in Longmont Colorado. In case you are unfamiliar with the name, Mr. Money Mustache he is essentially the guy that created the F.I.R.E. movement (financial independence retire early).
It was really inspired to a glimpse of what my future holds. Peter (Mr. Money Mustache) owns this building in longmont that is a co-working space and hosts free events for FIRE experts and enthusiasts. He has fostered a community around him.
- Adrian
NEW Bramify Feature?Update
Visual Workflow?Tracking
Bramify’s Visual Workflow Tracking feature lets you see the exact path your contacts take through different workflows. This powerful tool helps you quickly verify if your triggers are working correctly and ensures your workflow is set up exactly as intended. Perfect for debugging, it provides clarity and insight, saving you time and ensuring your automation runs smoothly.
Kick off 2025 With a New A.I. Scholarship
Aritifical intelligence is so much more than just chatGPT. We already live in a world with A.I. influencers, A.I. videos and even A.I. employees. A.I. is now so good it can literally do 90% of the work and in my next scholarship I’m going to show you exactly what I mean.
New Years Resolutions: love em or hate?em?
Are you a New Years Resolutions kind of person? I am not necessarily against them. What I’m not a fan of is the idea that you need to wait until a specific time to start doing something which is a recipe for failure.
If you want to start a YouTube channel don’t push it off to a new resolution as ‘thats going to be the time that I finally get my shit together’ because that never happens.
The most ridiculous goal pushing I ever heard was about losing weight. I was at a wedding and met this lady who was openly talking about her being about 60 pounds overweight. She was just a 5 pounds away from hitting 200 pounds and I learned that when she said:
“Yeah so I’ve been gaining some weight recently but I’m not really going to change anything until I hit 200. Then when I hit 200 pounds I’m going to really get going and diet and start working out.”
This was a complete stranger and I don’t remember this persons name but I do remember this insane logic behind this goal.
Goal: lose weight Goal push: Once I gain more weight and hit 200 then I will get it together.
That’s insane logic. It would be like having the goal of paying off your credit card but waiting to rack up more credit card debt to reach a new ceiling to then start getting it together.
This is what people do with new years resolutions. If you have a goal in mind of something to do, don’t push it onto a future date. Don’t steal from your future. Start today.
If your goal is to read a book every month, don’t wait! Try reading a page today.
The action is more important than the quantity. If you want to eat healthy try eating a healthier meal today. If you want to work out try fitting in a 5 minute jumping jack session.
Don’t push it off. Take one small step today and let that action compound!
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